Women Want to be MORE

The word ‘women’ makes me feel so empowered and happy- Woww! Isn’t it a true inspiration  how each and every personality has some inspiration to share? Right from the day a woman is born, she starts weaving the story of her life with the purest elements of family, friends, and career. She is a multimanager, a multitasker and a phenomenal juggler who fulfills different responsibilities with both ease and conviction.


A few years back when I started my first venture, I never knew that I would go far with 7 successful business enterprises running fantabulously under my holistic view of living with family and business.

As an author of International best seller ‘A High Heels Paradox’, I am happy that I have raised some thought provoking questions (along with the simplified suggestions and experiments) through this book. My experience with life is now my life’s work as I take privilege in sharing my work with women situated all across the globe.

The Driven Philosophy:

You are amazing but then, how to be MORE amazing? You are successful but then, how to become MORE successful? What all it takes to add the tint of MORE in your life? Ask, rethink, reevaluate, and question-do it because self-actualization is important!!!


While sharing wisdom across major philosophies of food, routines family, values, business and simply how to be MORE, I have taken some of the best lessons of life. I have understood that our language is very important, being able to live from our values and why we do what we do and able to share that through our communication is a skill and a gift. Often people around us want us to stay the same, as in they are used to the way we were. My idea of life is to encourage people to engage in groups, in environments where they can be who they feel they want to become. I believe ‘choice’ as in ‘the ability to choose’ is the biggest blessing of life. Choose whatever you want to become and be brave enough to take thedecision and stand true to it. “Do you have ideas running around your head and look at others and are so inspired to see them BE MORE”? I believe it’s time for Women to be the very best role models. It’s time for women to BE MORE!

Check out my video from the BRAND IT- BONBON Networks. This is truly AWESOME *TING*!!!

Empowerment and Women Entrepreneurs:

In the past 2 years, I have  interviewed more than 200 women entrepreneurs, homemakers, stay-at-home mums, and start-up She’preneurs to discuss what exactly they want in their life. I am listing some of the key answers that I have got till date. Have a look at the pointers!

  • To be a part of something bigger than themselves.
  • To feel and see that I am adding value to another person.
  • To feel I’m in control of my destiny.
  • To know there is true support for who I am, not for what is expected of me.
  • To have purpose in my life.
  • To have direction in my life.

There is nothing more empowering and courageous than a woman who is ready to share her tale of success and failure altogether. I discovered this fact while interviewing different women and trust me- the entire discussion actually came out as an intimate conversation over tears, giggling, belly laughter and pure inspiration. I am thankful that I was able to convert the lessons into straightforward, deep and meaningful outcomes of ‘A High Heels Paradox’.

‘A High Heels Paradox’: The Turning of Ideas into Reality!



‘A High Heels Paradox’ is in pre-launch which means you can purchase my creation at the lucrative pre-launch price. I think pre-launch is the best time to get your copies because as soon as the book goes live, the reader will be buying the book at a much more price. Don’t you think it is worth spending some time in reading sheer life experiences shared from hard lessons learned from the heart? I am sure it is!!!

Here are the direct links to your respective Amazon stores and your book

US – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01K6NI2SC/

AU – https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B01K6NI2SC

UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01K6NI2SC

Being the author of ‘A High Heels Paradox’, I have tried my best in making it a life’s book as I think it is much more than just a book written from a ‘She’preneur’ thought perceptive. A High Heels Paradoxis a lesson of living a life, it is about living from a sense of being more from what matters to you, it is about values getting super clear on identifying those values, it is about using words that could describe your values in your everyday conversations so people can hear you and more importantly, so you can actually hear yourself. All because it’s when we hear and feel ourselves that we can do what really matters from who we are. I am quite sure that She’preneurs can do it. In fact, I believe all women can manage, juggle, negotiate, have an eye for detail, look for the bigger picture, are intuitional, creative and dare busting to be more. Some women are floating on the river of denial while pretending to be happy, without wanting to rock their boat in fear of losing what they have, or are in fear of someone not loving them, or in fear of not doing “it “correctly.


And there is a BUT.


Youdoneedtolearntobeindependent, passionateandyouneedtounderstandprofit.

Start to BE MORE!

Tell us in the comments how you want to be more and go and get your book A HIGH HEELS PARADOX from Amazon

Love and Hugs!

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0 thoughts on “Women Want to be MORE”

    1. yes Im with you

      I think females have the innate ability to encourage “Moreness” and at the same time, paradoxically have the same power to strip someones inner strength.

      I think the time has come that there is enough women who have healed and are healing that can now truly, without any expectation, be more and encourage more for a bigger purpose

      Thankyou Demetri


    1. Hi Keith,

      Yes isn’t it the coolest thing to see.

      People allowing others to grow, change and see people encourage each other.

      And.. BTW thank you on the congrats not he book

      will come out on 4th of november


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Women Want to be MORE - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality