Wheatbelt Way Trail

The last few days of our Wheatbelt Way driving trail was relaxed with continuous WOW’s along the dirt roads also when we reached more unexpected stunning rock formations.

Sunrise at Balardgie Rock.  It is surrounded by miles and miles of salt  lakes.
Sunrise at Balardgie Rock. It is surrounded by miles and miles of salt lakes.

Balardgie Rock is actually out of the Wheatbelt Way drive as its in the Yilgarn Shire, obviously not part of the drive.  Still a worthwhile 70kms drive from Elachbutting Rock.  Found the cutest camp site and had another speccy sunset.

Camping and showering under a Australian Cypress Pine tree was special as it felt like we were in a little fairy land out in the sticks.
Camping and showering under a Australian Cypress Pine tree was special as it felt like we were in a little fairy land out in the sticks.


The rocks take on many different colours and almost "textures" with the changing light during sunset and sunrise.
The rocks take on many different colours and almost “textures” with the changing light during sunset and sunrise.
Left Balardjie at 8.40am after a shower and a egg and salad wrap and a morning sunrise shoot.
Drove  out along Boordarockin Road to Westonia, through Merrridin and Kellerberrin onto the goldfields road to York then home.
Great Easter, and extended our summer by 4 days as it has been cool and cloudy in the city, very cool and windy down south
Although this was traditionally our wheat and sheep region, we didn’t see many sheep
These, we saw on Boodarocking Road.  Great name hey!!!!!
sheep on boodarockin road sml size

What is your hobby and do you want to do more of it? I find being able to take photos anywhere, blog with them PLUS be making money at the same time a awesome lifestyle.  I took a small video on how I keep everything powered up while we are on the road if you are interested in going over to that blog and checking it out.

Some people have asked how am I making money at the same time, am I selling my photos? Nope.. and I do sell a few but thats not what I love to do.  I’m part of a shopping co-op where I am paid when I shop within the co-op, I also help to educate and feed kids in countries like Africa and Thailand in undeveloped countries every time I shop. I’m also building small business confidence in having small businesses being apart of the co-op… for them they get MORE loyal customers AND are paid when there customers are NOT shopping in their store….. how can that be?????  check out the shopping co-op video put in your name and email and I’ll email you some more links to check out.  Too easy really… Its free to join!!!! Double bonus!

Have an Awesome day!


Skype: didownie

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0 thoughts on “Wheatbelt Way Trail”

    1. Yep its easy and fun to do Diane, Of course you could be writing your blog on anything. I choose photography and travelling as I love it. Thankyou for taking the time to come in and comment.

    1. The colours in the rocks look artificial. If they were paintings , Im sure people would say that the painter has a warped interpretation…

    1. Thanks Jay… didn’t take many on the day.. Loved hanging out with you all..love you both to the moon and back again xxxxx

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Wheatbelt Way Trail - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality