What matters



Watching a person pass over makes “STUFF” Matter.

Do you get what I mean?


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I spoke at a dear friends funeral yesterday.

The words are below if you are interested.

While I’m engrossed in the elegance of the life ceremony it hit me that this ceremony really was elegant to the height of heights of elegance….just like my friends dignity and love of living.

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Sitting there yesterday I saw, what matters, the family was heard and respected by the funeral organisers. These skilled directors were empathetic and understood the needs of  another family in grief.

The celebration of life was not only elegant, the HUGE eye for detail facilitated us through a flexible and mesmerising hour and a half.

The further the hours take me away from the experience, the more I see and appreciate the creativity and humbleness of the directors.

This is what matters…. 

right there…

the directors got out of the way, they facilitated the families values  and what they needed, to make the day a very special extraordinary celebration of the person they dearly love and treasure.


This is what I read yesterday
This is what I read yesterday


So often at funerals the organisers, the directors, of the show are in the show, in the experience.

It was another example to me that when people can work and BE from whats important to them and know why they do what they do and can see the needs of their clients or their friends  that, that’s when the magic is created and that’s when the integrity is felt.

I’d love to read your comments on my observations, and how you have seen the magic when you know you have come from what’s important to you.

Here is a sunset shot for my dear friend and my girlfriend!


A special sunset for Barry
A special sunset for Barry


Being able to see and share is a gift!




Have the best day
what matters
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PS   Did you watch “The Secret”?  and were you inspired?.. check this app out!
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What matters - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality