What is Business?

Have you ever thought what businesses are made of? Yes, I am talking about the ingredients of a business! Let’s think about businesses- all because it is made of everything that is close to your heart and soul.

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A business – It originates from a dream, from an idea, it’s takes inspiration from innovation, it teaches some of the best life’s lessons and can prepares you for the finest tastes of success.




Technically speaking, a ‘business’ represents an organization or enterprising entity that is engaged in a profit making trade and is really about ‘money in and money out’. Wonder about the philosophy? Watch my video to get more insights


Do you wish to start your business?

There is nothing more exciting and fantastic than having your own business. Remember, you CAN be the originator, do youths this?. So, if yes is the answer and you want to start your  business right away, then you have to know these 10 things before commencing the flight to your dreams.

  1. When you are planning to trust your heart, don’t always go with what the statistics have to say. You might hear that 95 percent of businesses fail, but that’s not true. Many factors lead to the success and failure of business.


  1. When you are planning to start something, have the passion for finishing it off. Are you confused about your business? Are you planning to ditch your business midway? Would you ditch your child after you gave birth to your baby!


  1. Follow your passion. Do something that you love doing….. and do it from matters to YOU… not someone else or not from what society tells you to do.


  1. Even if you have researched or learned much about businesses, at some point in time, you have to START. You won’t be fully prepared until you start. Turning up everyday and doing effective activities is what is needed.


  1. Walk out of your comfort zone. Yes- running a ‘business’ is risky and scary at times.


  1. Even if you HATE managing people, you have to do that.  You have to have customers and you have to have suppliers, they are people who are apart of your business.. yep real people.


  1. Gaining mind clarity is the most important thing in a ‘business’. Ask yourself- what do I want from this business?    What is the Mission for this business…without you in the business?       How do you want this business to seen by your customers and suppliers?          How’s this business different from any other business on the planet, in other words what are your values that are going to shine through your products and or services?   Yes……. every business has to make a profit otherwise it is not a business.  Do you know where that profit is going to go?


  1. Planning is important– it is as vital as starting the business. Managing finance, creating a team, knowing the loopholes, developing strength and growing with each passing day requires planning.


  1. Don’t let your passion become your obsession. You have to nurture your business like a baby and thus, sustaining the ‘innocence’ of dreams is important.


  1.  Inculcate the habit of reading– take on the attitude of a life long learner. Read a lot of experience stories, motivational books and autobiographies (or listen to audiobooks) to create your own path.


Take care of your Business
                                                               Take care of your Business

Founding Pillars of a ‘Business’

No matter how small or large a ‘business’ might be, every single business is made up of 4 founding pillars.

  1. Administration:  The art of managing employees as in knowing their highs, embracing their lows and organizing their day-to-day operations are the task in administration through procedures and policies. Motivating the highest standards of efficiency in work and keeping the flow systematic and smooth is an administrative job. Supplying the numbers of the efficiency is the key component to administrative activities.


  1. Management: The ability to take the right opportunities with clear precise decisions in business is key when you are wearing your management hat.  The direction of the business, the mission, the vision along with the values and culture of the business comes from the person wearing that management hat.  You can feel it when you are buying from or supplying to, a business that has a welcoming, added value even caring culture.  You will see and fell those qualities of the person wearing this hat.


  1. Operations: This is your product and or service.  It’s where you are delivering the best product or service that you can and this is your passion often.  Although many people develop businesses because they are passionate about business and the deals not so much the product yet know the product is a good one. Systemise operations to breed accuracy, consistancy and happiness for people, staff, customers and suppliers.


  1. Marketing: Being the ‘heart’ of a business, the big marketing umbrella covers your brand, advertising, PR, display promotions, digital marketing, and some part of sales under it. It wouldn’t be wrong to call marketing the most influential thread that brings and binds businesses and potential customers together. Many people can be caught in their self passion web and forget about marketing and branding to give their passion the “font door” their product or service deserves.

10 quick tips.

  • Stay focused and keep your ‘eyes’ open to self re-invention and opportunties
  • Do a lot of brainstorming and self questioning before starting the business, about yourself and why you want to be in and on a business train.
  • Know what you do to set up the framework and do each activity efficiently – the PRESENT.
  • Know what you are focusing on?- the FUTURE.
  • Measure both success and failure through being truthful with the numbers and your heart.
  • Do what you love doing. Know your WHY
  • Don’t pretend you know everything, be a life long learner.  Entrepreneurs are bumbling along because they are learning to create their path as they are walking it.
  • Learn the art of managing finances. It is art to be crafted!
  • Be healthy and productive , to facilitate creativity, there is no real competition.
  • Is this what I wanted to do? Ask seldom!


Would love ending this post with one of my favorite dialogue about clarity!

“Alice asked the Cheshire cat, who was sitting in a tree, “What road do I take?”

The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?”

“I don’t know,” Alice answered.

“Then,” said the cat, “it really doesn’t matter, does it?”

                                       Lewis Carroll



Have the best day


Me on Radio in Bahrain
Me on Radio in Bahrain

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What is Business? - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality