What is a lifestyle blog


Creating a lifestyle blog is pretty cool!

I can write about anything I care to write about!


I don’t think that I’m that good at it YET!


Like anything new it takes practice before we are competent and confident.

So….what is a lifestyle blog?

It’s is a video, an audio, an article, a combination of all these things posted in a website, often! Then, if it’s a good , it will add value to the reader.

The blog will either entertain, inspire or educate the reader, hopefully adding to the readers life in some form.

A lifestyle blog often has subjects such as fashion, food, travel, conversations with friends, comments from a community on a particular subject for that particular blog piece.


Some blogs are as exciting as watching paint dry



Really…… what is a lifestyle blog ?

It’s a vehicle!

It’s a tool!

It’s a mechanism!

I think a blog can be the best 2014 vehicle for people to add to their lives.
I think a blog can be the best 2014 vehicle for people to add to their lives.


I see that a lifestyle blog has a inside effect and a outside effect.

The inside effectiveness for the writer can often be cathartic. As we all know when we express ourselves in the form of writing, we hear a voice from within that is often difficult to hear in our busy daily living. Our busy lives often hides who we really are,  blocking our self expression with logistics, to do’s, or inane chatter  often to fill the space.

The effectiveness to the outside reader can be a vehicle for education it might inspire the reader to make a change or create a different thought for a short time or lead into a change of thought for a life time. I have done a few blogs on change….

A Lifestyle blog might be done for pure pleasure, for journalling or self branding, and it might be done for direct income.

From my short time and limited experience in blogging I find it an awesome way of making my life even more awesome!

Blogging is one of the few vehicles that gives me self accountability where I have a system that sets me up to study, to think, to do the blog and to share or teach, to add to peoples lives all at the same time.

I also see that the act of blogging strengthens personal confidence.   We have the opportunity to stretch ourselves to be of more value to more people. I had my mother-in-law say some years ago, that she felt she was losing confidence. At that time I was much younger and totally unaware of how years and experience can effect our priorities, then affect how we think, what we do, what we think we can achieve, and how we think we can touch peoples lives.

We all know we are life learners if we like it or not!  It’s up to us as to what we choose what we consciously learn and if we choose to consciously take action to gain our conscious outcome.

Yep…. I used the word conscious three times in that paragraph.. Yep I am saying that some of us are asleep, sometimes we don’t consciously make decisions, then end up with outcomes that we end up asking ourselves….. huh why did that happen to me???

The act of blogging often gives me a wholistic big picture view on a topic
The act of blogging often gives me a wholistic big picture view on a topic


To write and correct a lifestyle blog facilitates speed learning I think its one of the best way to learn about ourselves, learn about others, not to mention, learning certain topics that you are interested in.

My  blogging act, every day , or so, is creating bigger things for many many people. It is keeping me clear , it is getting me to my reshaped life of more richness in living.

Its just a lifestyle blog built everyday.

I also have two other really simple blogs check this out! I didn’t have to learn how to use this one… just type and send. Yes I pay $25 per month to use it and its all done!  And yes there are other strategies I use, thats my choice!

Like Rome, my blogs werent’ built in a day they were built daily! I heard Dave Wood say this other day in his fast track training for the blogging platform … love it!

A Lifestyle blog adds, blog by blog, to conscious decisions made by the writer which hopefully impacts the readers conscious thinking.

Lifestyle blogs can give us the opportunity to add value on everything that is important and if you don’t know what is important because you have been so busy earning a living and working hard… you could give it shot!

Have a cuppa and enjoy some of the links.
Have a cuppa and enjoy some of the links.


Have a great day!


Hi.... I'm Di  !
Hi…. I’m Di !









I have shot the photos with my Nikon D700, a 50mm lens and  70 to a 120mm lens.

I am combining my love for photography with my goal and desire to be blogging and to be location free.

If you want to do more of your passion and want to know how I do it listen and watch  how we are changing the blogging community.

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0 thoughts on “What is a lifestyle blog”

  1. Hi Di

    I love the idea of a lifestyle blog. I think many people who are now doing internet businesses are doing it for lifestyle. It is different for people but still lifestyle.

    I love that you can share your travel photos and adventures.

    I do not worry to much about accurate grammar when I blog as I was taught to write like I speak. That was such a struggle for me in the beginning coming from a professional very formal background. I mostly learned by reading other blogs.

    Well done and I look forward to reading more of your adventures and lifestyle.


    1. Hi Sue,
      Yes I do think lifestyle blogging is very different for everyone and allows both the writer and the reader to gain distinctions from each others opinions.
      As Im a learner I probably don’t write like I speak yet, but am working on that.
      Thankyou for your time to comment Sue
      Have a great day in Sunny Noosa!

  2. Hey Di,

    I applaud you for taking on another one, I’ve done that in the past and I resign to having more then I can handle right now. But I think a lifestyle blog can be very freeing. You can speak about what you want, share you life experience and just have fun with it.

    I love the photography too, you have a talent for sure.

    I know you’ll have a great time with this one so I wish you the best of luck.


    1. Hi Ros,
      Thankyou for coming in and checking out this piece. I think we all need reminding of this everyday by everyone!!!!

      xxx Di

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what is a lifestyle blog