Values and how to see them

However we often get caught up being busy with paying the mortgage, taking care of others needs or facilitating someone else’s values . . .

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Values and how to see them can be a question that not many of us ask?


What are YOUR values and HOW do you see them
What are YOUR values and HOW do you see them

Our values are what is important to us.

However we often get caught up being busy with paying the mortgage, taking care of others needs or facilitating someone else’s values for them and forgetting our own. Rather than being clear on what our own values are enabling us to co-operate with others to make the gap smaller between what has to be done and what we love to do.


What are your values?


What is a value?:

It is Significant to you

It is what is important to us

Values are activities that we have respect for when we do them and they give us self respect

They underpin our easy to keep agreements

A value is a doing word that often produces a physical result

They are our principles

They are our  ethics.

I mention the free book:

That free E book is right here


How do you see your values.?

In this next video I give a simple example while I watch Rob wash our cars.  LOL!!!!



How Do you see your Values?


You feel your values when you are “DOING” them.

Rob feels that he is facilitating when he washes the car.

When I drive my clean sparkling  car I feel elegant .  When I rarely wash the cars I feel that Im heading towards elegance.   My benefit to washing my car and having it clean is having my value of elegance operating.

What are your values?

What are your values?

They are who you are.

How you make your decisions.

They are how you keep your agreements.

Values are how you spend your time to close the gap

between how you spend your time and whats important to you.

Often we live from values from other people, for example our family, our religions, our schooling, sporting clubs.

Be able to easily and clearly say what your values are.
Be able to easily and clearly say what your values are.



I recommend you ask yourself

What is important to me?

What do I love to do?

What do I love to have in my life?

Get clear on what’s important to you first?

Being able to clearly articulate our values is an important tool to use along with your skills and attributes.

If you want to be clear on matching your skills and attributes to your values

ask to be invited into

the Beta Testing Closed Facebook Group

JOIN THE DOTS “Aussie Style”

Values give you depth and vision... similar to this deep rich HUGE STUNNING Sunset in Bremer Bay a few weeks ago
Values give you depth and vision… similar to this deep rich HUGE STUNNING Sunset in Bremer Bay a few weeks ago


Values  shape our life with the degree of how much they are operating in our life.

This blog piece gives you more tips on 3 steps to find out what’s important:


Have the best day ever !
nice to see you again!
nice to see you again!

0 thoughts on “Values and how to see them”

  1. Interesting Post this Di – Our values..its interesting how we see our values as different… it can be quite tricky when others don’t have the same values as us… and how we have to learn to just let it go.. great share thank you

    1. Hi Helen,

      Yes values is a very interesting topicsand one that is bantered around with little understanding or thought put to them.

      and… yes again it can be very tricky when someone close has different values and there re ways of being of to facilitate each others values without compromising.

      Always love your comments Helen


    1. Hi Jelena,

      Asking ourselves is the start to discover what’s important.

      A question most of us don’t think to ask.

      To operate from our values is so much more fun!!!!

      and so much more ease

      Always love your comments Jelena


  2. Deep Questions! The great thing about knowing your values is that once you do it, you don’t have to think about many of your decisions. Your decisions are made for you. When you make a choice, one path seems to resonate more with you simply because of your value system. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi Kenny,

      You have obviously done some work on your values.

      Yes..many of our decisions are taken care once we are living from what’s important also the simple actions of
      speaking and being from our values directs us almost on automatic with a sense of ease and awareness

      Thankyou for your thoughtful comment Kenny


  3. What a great in depth article Di. Love your videos and insight about values. I believe when we know what we want it is all part of developing our values through the experiences we have. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Lynn,

      Thankyou for your great comment.

      I loved with people “really comment” and give me their opinion and thoughts, I think your comment adds to my blog and thats what blogging really about. Im really only facilitating the subject.

      I have studied and worked with needs and values for twenty years.

      Appreciate your time Lyn…… and your thinking.


  4. Hi Di,

    I love your videos and how they are cut showing us a glimpse into areas of your life.

    I too value freedom. It is stronger in me after years of feeling like I was a slave to my own business. I thought I had freedom then but I didn’t really.

    Thanks for sharing your valuable insights Di.


    1. Hi Sue,

      Thankyou Sue for your compliments on the videos. I feel that Im much better at speaking than writing so It seems to work for me so Im happy that it works for you also.

      Freedom is something that I would never of thought of when I was younger. I was way too busy earning money, running a business, a farm and having kids plus being in my own way.

      The older I have become the deeper Freedom facilitates my thinking , breathing, and lifestyle and I love that

      Thankyou Sue


    1. Hi Sandra,

      Thankyou for your time Sandra.

      Living from what we want are our values. Id love this stuff to be shared in schools. It is fundamental to thinking for ourselves.

      Glad you enjoyed my videos


    1. Hi Tara,

      Thankyou for adoring this post.

      I feel very humbled that you consider this post to be an Ode to values and I never thought of it as a type of sonnet or poem.

      Thankyou and thankyou for your respect Tara


    1. Hello Valorey,

      Thats the very key in your comment.

      We often tolerate many things in our lives, when we tolerate stuff that we have control over we have a less of a degree of having our values operating everyday.


    1. Hello Yemisi,

      Im really happy that this post got you thinking.

      and re-thinking….

      Thats what makes our life rich and exciting and worthwhile


      Appreciate your time Yemisi


    1. Hi LuAnn

      Glad you received heaps from this post LuAnn. There is never a shortage of content
      especially with what I have worked with regarding values and whats important

      Thankyou for coming over


  5. This is the foundation of getting and staying on track for decision, direction and communication also intimacy.

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Values and how to see them - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality