Standing Out From The Crowd- Ideas That Matter!

A few days back, Rob and I decided to drive out to the Murchison to camp and search out the famous Wreath Flowers that only grows in a very small area of Western Australia. Fortunately they are easily found on the edge of Pindar Road, about 10kms north of the town of Pindar ( population about 4) Because the flowering season is quite short people travel miles and miles just to capture the ‘awe-inspiring’ exquisiteness of this flower. Now this is the beauty of Wreath Flowers! This one stands out even more because it is bathed in the soft light of the setting sun highlighting its charisma of daintiness and elegance. These Wreath Flowers are UNIQUE, and this separates them from the rest of the clutter of the other flowers. How do we do this in business? – stand out from the crowd of other businesses? Don’t you think that we, who live in this world filled with innovative and original ideas need to stand out from other businesses and products? Are you driven by the desire to be unique and different?

Uniqueness and the Law of Attraction:

Creating your business or product and making it stand out from the crowd. Is it as as simple as identifying what your own needs and values are ? You first have to listen to the call of your heart, your personality and your ability to be UNIQUE. Only with this enlightenment, you will be able to capture your idea and develop it into a unique business.

This yellow everlasting flower stands out from the other white everlastings.


We can broadly evaluate human beings into two different categories 1) followers and 2) leaders. Followers are the people who act like sheep and follow the herd without having any original thoughts in their head. They don’t question the obvious, they favor the common, they are skeptical with a new phenomenon, and there is always some sort of mental fog in their acceptance for change. On the other hands, leaders are originators. They stand out from the crowd as they have their own ways. They are unique, problem-solvers, mentors, guides and motivators.

No matter what inherently we might be, a leader or a follower, it is always wonderful the start afresh and recognize the uniqueness in our ideas. Yes, just like the Wreath Flower you can identify and develop your uniqueness. I will tell you how you can do this! You might have heard of the famous ‘Law of Attraction’. Now here is a new twist with a New Thought in Law of Attraction.

According to the New Thought Law of Attraction, both ideas and thoughts are made of pure energies, and it is grounded with the belief that like energy attracts like energy. So if you are focusing on positive thoughts, then you are more likely to attract positive energy or experiences in your life.”

Working on positive ideas is a very interesting exercise to do. I have some questions for you today that you should often ask yourself in order to entertain every idea that passes in your mind. Here it goes!

  • How are you being attractive with your idea?
  • How are you developing your ideas so people will want to surround you?
  • How are you shining light in a particular way, from your UNIQUE perceptive that will make you stand out from the crowd?
  • What is your brand saying?
  • What are your values?
  • Do you show your values in how you live your life?

You have to question your ideas every now and then to cultivate them into a big thing in life. We all have ideas that can make us stand out and be different from the rest of the crowd. But unfortunately, we don’t have the purpose to do so. We miss the faith in us… and we miss it because sometimes, we are comfortable in copying others.

What I have learned from the Wreath Flowers:

If you check my video of Wreath Flowers, you will see there is a light shining on the flowers. I use the analogy of this light shining on that particular Wreath Flower is what makes it unique and different from the rest of the surrounding wreath flowers. It not only stands out from the crowd, but along with all the other wreath flowers it attracts people from various corners of the world to visit and admire its beauty.

So how are you making a statement that is different from everyone else in your field of expertise? Just like the Wreath Flower that has the power to attract visitors from miles away, you can also have the shine to make your business attract users from all across the world. I believe it is all in expertise – the better you are in your work, the better becomes your market value. And the way you live your values is how you share your brand, your message and your passion with the rest of the world. In an overcrowded, hypercompetitive and aggressive world like today, the only way to make a decent impression in business is to break through the noise…to think out of the box…and to stand out from the crowd! Do things differently if you cannot do different things, try stirring the emotions of your audience, be consistent in your efforts, spread happiness in every attempt, have a winner’s attitude, crave for creative things, and have a result oriented mindset.


Many a times it happens that we are simply reluctant to walk that extra mile to stand out from the crowd. Often people are not willing to be more and do the best job they can do. Traveling to see the wildflowers through the wheat belt and Murchison in Western Australia, I have shared this post with two thoughts. First, to introduce my readers with the beautiful Wreath Flowers and second, to use the famous and unique flower as an analogy for business and how to stand out from the crowd.

Admire the beauty of Wreath Flower to attain similar qualities and at the same time, give your best to your expertise.


I, Di Downie, your own Idea Diva, is here to shape your ideas into reality. Find your passion and share your thoughts with me.

Catch me on Facebook through my official page and you can even become a part of my Facebook group Join the Dots “Aussie Style” now.

Have an AWESOME Day!

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Standing Out From The Crowd- Ideas That Matter! - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality