Show your experience

The other day I was on Instagram!


This is the piece of street art in Northbridge, Perth that inspired this blog post
This is the piece of street art in Northbridge, Perth that inspired this blog post

A lady posted a photo of an amazing piece of jewellery that she had made, under the photo she wrote:

“please excuse the wriggly old hands”

I went back to her and said

“please don’t apologise for your hands, they show your experience”

she came back to me and said

“thankyou, that’s an interesting way to look at it”

This piece of street art best describes what I’m saying in my video

I normally write a long blog every week…. this one  just needs your comment!

What is YOUR comment?

Have the best day
Here we are at The Raffles, Singapore, testing their gorgeous cocktails
Here we are at The Raffles, Singapore, testing their gorgeous cocktails

0 thoughts on “Show your experience”

    1. Thankyou REgina

      always appreciate your time in visiting here.

      Its one thing a blogging community does is allows people to build trust with someone that may be
      just starting to resonate with

      Thankyou Regina


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Show your experience - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality