Helen Mc Carthy    Di, it was the 8th of June 2001 when I wrote out what I valued and what I tolerate. I realize now, 16 years later, this confirms how my intention, from your work, is the first principle of all. I have moved myself out of drama and clearly defined my moves forward.”

“Di had made it so easy for me to gather my thoughts”

Irina Kondakova   “ I was able to realize that the only thing that was really holding me back was myself. I found that I was a lot clearer as to the direction I was going from that point on”

Fahad Younis   “Di, it is amazing to get your guidance you helped me to think totally different. I think more professional, actually, you helped me to present myself as a high profile guy.”

“Di taught me something so simple that I can practise every day”.

Dr Hilda Maldanado  “I can already see the connection between my heart and my environment that I can put into practice in my business”.

“You helped me to be more organized”

Jodi Harman  “Her values and needs helped me to be clear and on my purpose, thank you for being a great mentor, you actually even helped me to be more organized on my computer, Thank you Di”.

“Di, thank you! You saved my life”.

Victor Little  “Di Downie gave me clarity that eliminated my anxiety and my confusion. I have learnt how to relax. Her techniques have improved my health. Di thank you, you saved my life”.

Melanie Brasch  “I found out what my purpose is, that was one of the things I came here to discover. thank you, Di Downie.”

Esther Perh   I feel a great sense of peace and a feeling of appreciation. I have a new understanding and appreciation of myself, Di it has given me confidence with my clients of business, that what I do is of value. Thank you! I now reach more people. I haven’t been doing very well in my business, I discovered that I was afraid to ask people for the money, I thought they would not appreciate me and this has been holding me back. Discharged with a technique to pattern trace so I can change my thinking. I have already scaled my reach to people for more financial reward, I’ll let you know my progress Di!”

Masahiro Seyama  “I found my passion and the seminar was a very safe place.  If you want to change your life, I highly recommend Di Downie”.

Atsuko Kawaski  “She understands womans minds. Mine is open right now.  If you are confused and thinking by yourself I recommend her presentations”.


Kaz Sen   “Di, your thoughts and your way of thinking definitely gave me positive feedback.  I think with your attitude you give a positive energy.  Not only that! What Di says definitely enlightens you, you want to become like her.  You should definitely listen to her.  Di you are awesome”!



Regina Van de Velden  Thanks to Di’s clarity and simplicity of her system…”The Downie Method”… I’ve really been able to (for lack of better words) spill, spew, vomit…. a lot of what has been sitting dormant in my brain. I have  built the structure of my brand/business – basic ideas for topics for a product- adapt these ideas for my strategy to teach others.  All in two hours after having an A-ha moment through a short consultation with Di.  This process is truly unique”!



Tatsuya Akaogi  “I was very impressed with Di’s presentation. I recognized what is important for my life. It’s choice! Thankyou Di.”


 Lee Yeen  “Lady Di, I love her, her character is so big,  she has a very discipline diet. She is congruent to others and to herself, she is authentic  this lady is who she is. Di Downie has helped me to sort , shift  and separate my thoughts to look at the good deals from the bad in a situation I have in my life right now.  Di is Authentic!