orangutan foundation birthday party

Orangutan Foundation birthday party!

What an awesome way to celebrate!

Jo, one of my favourite people on this planet celebrated her birthday the other day with a Orangutan Foundation themed cocktail party. Jo’s dream was to give a little bit of freedom to the Oran-gutans and give a little bit of education to her friends and family about Palm Oil and The Orangutan Foundation.

Orangutan foundation birthday party
My favourite slide from Ben’s movie.

Jo says “we all want the same thing in life and that is to be kind and do good on this planet while we are here”.

Isn’t that so true?

A very worthwhile evening was spent coming together for the Orangutan Foundation birthday party.

Not only did we sing and dance and be merry with our gorgeous friend, we all saw Jo with these endangered, nearly humans, through her eyes on the movie.  We all joined in on raising money through a raffle, a silent auction and purchasing goodies. Over $5,000 was raised which Jo will personally take to the Orangutan Foundation in 2015.

What a great vision you had Jo and you saw it come to fruition!  That’s tenacity and passion right there!

orangutan foundation birthday party
Jokes and fun like your would expect PLUS Palm Oil education. I learnt that Vegetable Glycerin is an alternative name for Palm Oil. The alternative names go on and include VEGETABLE OIL! Did you know that?
orangutan foundation birthday party
Raffle Tickets were sold with the winnings all donated. See the list below!


What amazing things are you doing for the short while you are here?  How are you adding value to our planet?  I asked myself these types of questions during the evening while dancing, drinking and eating.

Every day counts, every good event helps, every good thought helps.

Have a great day and I trust that you feel that you are doing good while you are here.

The list of very generous people who donated is below.

Enjoy Jos Love Story in her video that Ben made for her.

Trust your day is a good one


orangutan foundation birthday party
Hi…. I’m Di !
Nice to meet you!









Mobile number +61403046136

Email:  di@didownie.com

Check out  The Orangutan Foundation Website


Generous Donaters are here for you.

Alan Stiles and Grand Cinemas

donated 2 x 12 month MOVIE Pass and Candy Bar voucher


Kathy Sharp & Sony Pictures movie passes


Lindy’s Rox – South Australian Artist who painted original pieces on Agate


Carmel & Mark Leaker donated Kailis Pearl Necklace


Ashton Drake Collectables – Orangutans

Bradford Exchange Collectables  – Baby Orangutans


Jacqueline Penton – Australian Artist painted and donated a canvas painting


BIOME – $100 Gift Voucher

Biome Website has environmentally friendly, animal cruelty free and palm oil free products


Peter at

             Horsley    Dragonfly

in Melbourne.  Ethical trading donated Banana leaf Bodhi trees.


Suse from Fatbdesign in USA


Designed and donated TShirts for the night


Lizzy & Billy donated Art work and Wishing Well and Ethical Goodwill Wines


George made and donated dog leads and a dog and cat hamper


Greg and Doris Hateley donated 2 X Flight Simulator Experiences.


Marie’s Fine Art in Nottingham in England donated 4 limited edition art pieces


Tracy Teeter – Artist from Kansas USA donated original art coasters


Clear Conscience Cleaning Products from Tasmania


ECO Bulk online

products Gift Pack – kindly donated by online Melb Business


MOKOSH Skin Care for male and female


$100 Cove Spa Voucher plus TRILOGY donated Rosehip Oil



0 thoughts on “orangutan foundation birthday party”

  1. Oh…my beautiful friend Di Babe what a wonderful blog…I feel very humbled. You know this night goes down as the third greatest moment in my life…and one I will forever treasure. It bought together my friends, family and colleagues from my 55 year journey ~ first time ever for me.
    However, the credit should be shared with a beautiful team of dedicated ‘Earth Angels’ who listened to me day in and day out for 12 months about my Orangutan friends…and whose combined creative and physical talents made this night Blog worthy. So without ~ YOU and ROB (Theme-It), Rory, Shelley, Adele (Stage Craft), Frankie , Deb, Lisa, Lizzy & Billy, Chris, Ben, Kaelae, Mom and Kath, the night would have been but a dream. You made it look amazing, you worked with the vision and created my ‘Magic Como Forrest’. How Blessed I am…You inspire me Di Babe…Thank you with all my heart on behalf of my Furry Friends! Huggs xx

    1. Hi Jo,

      Thankyou for taking your time to say thank you and to add to our community here in adding another up lifting example of people working together to create a more than a worthwhile event.

      Your birthday was a true example of what one person can do and then what one person can do affect so many lives and causes.

      I know that it took many people to make this event, but its always one persons values and believes that drives the vision to that end result.

      Thankyou Joey for your vision and your passion and for a very real example of the John Denvers Song ” what one man can do”


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orangutan foundation birthday party