Mothers Day is everyday for a Mum!

It was wonderful to be acknowledged by our girls for being a great Mum on Mothers Day.  I loved it that they made time to hang out with me and my Mum.


Its a true blessing to be able to be a Mum.  I have learnt so much from our girls.

Mothers Day is everyday for a Mum!

Not only do they reflect back  to me who I am, sometimes beautiful and sometimes not pretty at all. I’m sure if you are a mum you know what Im talking about.  That one aspect has given me many opportunities to take a look at where I have come from and where I am going and who I really am and how I “act” out from  my experiences.

Mothers Day is everyday for a Mum!

I  have also learned how to love unconditionally to accept both of them as individuals AND encourage them to be who they really are.  Encourage them to live in the now.

Mothers Day is everyday for a Mum!

They have both taught me how they are truly on loan for a very short time while they grow into their individuality. That time goes in a blink of a very short years.

What have you learnt from your kids and what are you learning from your kids?

Thankyou for a great day on Sunday and thank you for being who you both are.

Here are a few pics from the day while we hung out!

Taking time for me, sometimes, has felt being selfish at times…….

But being a mum….

Taking time for myself has hopefully taught our girls to take time for themselves.
Taking time for myself has hopefully taught our girls to take time for themselves.

We found this cute Mexican Cafe in Fremantle on South Terrace, to have lunch, great food, great value and we were sung to over our tortillas.

Taking things as they come gives many surprises...
Taking things as they come gives many surprises…
Watching the sunset over South Cottesloe is always a beautiful thing to do!
Watching the sunset over South Cottesloe is always a beautiful thing to do!


I trust all you Mums had a great day and enjoyed the time with your kids even if you were not as lucky as I was to physically spent time with our girls and my Mum.

Mothers Day is everyday for a Mum!

Have a great day!




0 thoughts on “Mothers Day is everyday for a Mum!”

  1. A very inspirational blog Di. You are very true, our kids are borrow to us for such a short time. I have learnt that with my girls. Time goes too fast!

    1. Way way wayyyyyyyy too fast Hollie… Enjoy them every step of the way… and when you are pulling your hair out over them….. try to ask yourself soon after the event…. what have I got to learn from this…. That is not pretty sometimes ha ha ha ha

  2. Nice Di! Its shocks me sometimes when the girls say something about what they value or where they stand on some issues and why. You think oh my god …they WERE listening. Maybe I should have been more selective in what/when I voiced an opinion.
    Wheres the mexican? And Im not good at taking things as they come. I would like to be better but like “well planned”

    1. ha ha ha… yep we NEVER know what we hear from our mothers hey!!!! Often until it pops out of mouths. It seems then and only then do we have a choice as to if we want to change that thought or not… Up until then we often didn’t even know that we thought like that! ha ha ha ha
      The mexican is at the very end of South Terrace in Fremantle.
      I could see I was becoming ANAL about plans and times and plans and plans…. I now like to know ONLY how people’s plans are going to Affect me… this is giving me heaps of choices now!!!!!.. Thanks for commenting Marise

  3. Happy Mothers Day!!
    You’re the most supportive, generous and funniest Mum in the universe!
    Thank you for being our Mum. Xxxxx

    1. Watch out Kate its in the GENES!!!!!! xxxxx
      Thanks for coming in and commenting you both to the moon and back!!!!!!

    2. HI Kate, opps looks like I didn’t reply to you comment the other day. Thought I did… love you to the moon and back…. Did you receive a notification that you received a reply now?? x

    1. Im checking here that when I reply to one of your comments I will receive a notification that I have replied… a cool little plug-in that I have just added to my site!

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Mothers Day