Di Downie an International Speaker, Best Selling Author and Mentor can take you from an idea to what you LOVE to do, with her proven DOWNIE METHOD. With 37 years of entrepreneurship, 39 years years of marriage, 2 children, and 2 books.

You will be able to Position and Present yourself as the only logical choice in your area of expertise globally.


Di Downie has been called the innovator catalyst by her students and business associates globally 

Regina Van de Velden

Thanks to Di’s clarity and simplicity of her system “The Downie Method”, in just two short weeks I have built the structure of my brand/business,  fleshed out the topics for my services and products-have adapt these ideas to my strategy Thank you Di

Victor Little

Di Downie gave me clarity that eliminated my anxiety and my confusion, I have learnt how to relax.  Her techniques have improved my health. Di thank you, you saved my life

Helen McCarthy

Di, it was the 8th of June 2001 when I wrote out what I valued and what I tolerate. I realise now, 16 years later, this confirms how my intention, from your work, is the first principle of all. I have moved myself out of drama and clearly defined my moves forward.”

Jodi Harman

“Her values and needs helped me to be clear and on my purpose, thank you for being a great mentor, you actually even helped me to be more organised on my computer, Thank you Di”.


The Art of Entrepreneurship

Define, Develop and Direct Yourself with the Downie Method

If you only knew how I have got to where I am NOW! International Speaker doing what I do with my laptop. It could be the best investment of your time you have ever made. “Di is authentic you get what you see, she will tell you straight” -Lee Yeen, Singapore.

Register for Di Downie’s FREE Webinar


The Art of Entrepreneurship

Define, Develop and Direct Yourself with the Downie Method

If you only knew how I have got to where I am NOW!  International Best Seller, International Speaker doing what I do with my laptop. It could be the best investment of your time you have ever made. “Di is authentic you get what you see, she will tell you straight” -Lee Yeen, Singapore.

Apply for Di Downie’s LIVE EVENTS


The Art of Entrepreneurship

Define, Develop and Direct Yourself with the Downie Method

If you only knew how I have got to where I am NOW!  International Best Seller, International Speaker doing what I do with my laptop. It could be the best investment of your time you have ever made. “Di is authentic you get what you see, she will tell you straight” -Lee Yeen, Singapore.

Apply for Di Downie’s VIP MASTERCLASS


Precise Entrepreneurial Moves from your Heart

Define, Develop and Direct Yourself

with the Downie Method

Di Downie with her Proven Proprietary Method – The Downie Method, positions you on and offline as the only logical choice in your area through self-empowerment, communication, entrepreneurship and presentation of your brand. She facilitates you from her personal learnings in her own businesses how to correctly position you for global monetization.  You do not need previous business experience.


Apply to Secure Di Downie’s time


Define, Develop and Direct Yourself

with the Downie Method

Work with Di Downie directly to design your personal purpose then profit from doing your purpose. Define, Develop and Direct your ideas to your personal happiness and profit. With over 30 years in  business with 8 businesses, 40 years of marriage, 2 children Di Downie has transformed hundreds of lives with her proven proprietary process. Di is NOT a coach, she is a mentor from her own experience.  Her experience does not come from books or, gurus. Di says “I  can think of nothing else to do but to share my lifes work with you personally”

Apply for Di Downie’s one on one coaching


Precise Entrepreneurial Moves from your Heart

Define, Develop and Direct Yourself 

with the Downie Method

Di Downie with her Proven Proprietary Method – The Downie Method, positions you on and offline as the only logical choice in your area through self-empowerment, communication, entrepreneurship and presentation of your brand. She facilitates you from her personal learnings in her own businesses how to correctly position you for global monetization.  You do not need previous business experience.


Register for Di Downie’s online Mentoring