Making Pesto one of your Food Routines

Do you know a lot of successful people across the world prefer sticking close to their personal habits and routine because they believe it to be the foundation of their idea? Having a structure or foundation since childhood is important because it schedules your days ahead of time. It is same with adults. Every morning when you wake up with that perfect sense of ownership and order, you cherish your life more because it understands the power to stay organized.

Why would I show you something as simple as how to make Pesto? It is quick to prepare, you can find it online, do it within seconds and most importantly, the recipe of Pesto might not fascinate your with a ‘WHAOOO…HOW SHE DID IT’ factor. Then why am I making Pesto here on my lovely blog for my super amazing readers? I tell you why! My idea today is NOT to stress on Pesto as a healthy recipe. My idea is to make you understand the significance of having a healthy routine.

Our routines are our agreements with ourselves. Sometimes, we need to re-jig our lives with new focuses and new routines for our ideas to come to fruition.” Read my blog on how to rejig your life to understand this.

What routines do you have?

My point here is- what routines do you have in your plan for your family to eat good food. When I talk about the routines, I am talking about each and every single routine that you have in your life. It could be a routine for your food, for the work, in the business, with the family, for your own passion and for the environment… it could be ANYTHING!!! Even when you go out to the garden, you will find a routine in practice. It isn’t wrong to say that every human action is indeed guided by a routine and in order to be successful, it is very important to have a consistent flow of routines that make up the life that you LOVE! Analyze your routines and think what routines make up your life? Do you have the life that you love? To make this clearer, I will give you my example here. As a She’preneur, a mum and a lovely wife, I have a set of routine for my life and my family. Know some important elements of my food routine. Here you go!

  • I have earlier shared the recipe to water kefir which is one of our family’s food routines. Water Kefir is a fantastic probiotic drink.

  • Once in a month, I also make Sourdough Bread which is also a food routine. I prefer freezing the Sourdough and since we don’t eat a lot of bread, whenever we have bread, we make it good Sourdough bread.

  • Having Liposomal Vitamin C is also a part of my healthy food routine. It is one staple food that I have in my house all the time. With the help of this healthy delight, we can actually absorb up to 93% than the normal Vitamin C.

  • Above all, I am sharing the recipe of Pesto because it is one of the most INTEGRAL parts of our family’s food routine. Pesto is easy to make, it is healthy,

How to Make Pesto- The Recipe!

Making Pesto is simple- know the simple steps to prepare the recipe. Here you go:

  1. Take 2 handfuls of spinach, some basil, and a few spring onions. Pour half a cup of Parmesan Cheese to it and add a decent pinch of salt to the mixture.
  1. Use half a cup of unsalted cashews and put it in the blender along with the mixture.
  1. Pour half a cup of extra virgin olive oil to the mixture before finally blending it into a thick paste.
  1. Serve Pasto with tea and snacks.

The making of pesto is one of the simplest healthy recipes you could have on hand to spice up many snacks from crackers and pesto to mixing it into pasta to pesto with eggs. But my highlight through this blog post is not related to the recipe of Pesto. My idea is to show you one of my food routines because planning good food to eat good food may require you to have new routines.

With this in mind, let me tell you the five areas of your life to develop good routines to create the life you want.

  1. Health and Food

Ask yourself- what routines do you have to eat good food easily and often with speed. Where do I need to focus to educate myself as to what and how I eat and drink? Do you get yourself out and about every day to move your body? Visualize and see your values in ways where they are beautifully aligned to a healthy routine.

  1. Environment

How do you take care of your home and work space, your car? What routines do you have for a beautiful environment? Have an environment-friendly conscience that is always ready to contribute to the larger society but first of all, bring the change to your own environment.

  1. Work

Do you love what you do in your work? What do you do to educate yourself for further financial wealth? Love your work routine or make a work routine that you are bounded to love and adore. Your work is a part of your individual health and mental peace.

  1. Passion and Purpose

When we do a good job and that good job is done with ease and fun this is a clue that, that activity is your purpose. When a good job comes easy this is the clue what you love to do and how you do it. Observe what is easy for you and what makes you laugh and what feels light in your body and not heavy. These are all clues to your passion and purpose.

  1. Family and Friends

Of course, your close relationships will have routines to enjoy your friends and families company and to really see your values operating. The peer group that you live in is a strong element of your routine and values.

Having a routine (and sticking close to it) is definitely the sure shot way of saving tons of hassles. I personally believe that routines and rituals are what make our life. Do you have awesome rituals? I would love to hear them in the comment box- Share…Share…Share NOW!!!

Love and Hugs

Di Downie

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0 thoughts on “Making Pesto one of your Food Routines”

  1. I want to come and live with you!!! Great blog today Di. Never been a pesto lover but I will give it a go with cashews. Looks yummy. Rituals are everything. Thanks for the reminder.

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Making Pesto one of your Food Routines - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality