Its a dogs life

Even if you are not a dog lover Im sure you will love this story.

Its a dogs life

It’s simple stories like this that can brightens someone’s day.

One of my park friends, lets call her Mary, told me a beautiful story yesterday as she introduced me to her new doggie , lets call him George ( I know original, but hey this is a story!).

Meet George
Meet George


Marys ageing Uncle asked her to look out for a little Westie to keep him company when he shifts into a new retirement village. Coming from his home of 47 years he knew he would need a new friend to help him settle into his new lifestyle. What a great attitude at 89 hey?

Marys went to one of the dog refuge homes and ask if they ever have any Westies come in for re homing. Of course there weren’t and rarely do Westies come in as they are such easy doggies to train and have in the house as companions.

Yesterday Mary was driving past the dog refuge, popped in, asked the question again….. wwwaaaallllllaaaaaaa….. nine year old George had come in, in the morning from a elderly gentleman who had to make the painful decision so he could be hospitalized with a illness.

So George will go to live with Marys Uncle once he is settled.

Its a dogs life

I didn’t mention that Mary already has a Westie and he is over the moon as George came into the family with heaps of new toys to play with and of course George is happy to share them.

George's new family play mate
George’s new family play mate

This seemed a beautiful simple story to share to demonstrate how easy it is to blog , simple stories like this can brighten someone’s day.

People ask me why do I blog.. you know what?… One reason:  I love to meet people from all over the world and I do that through the blogging process.  One of my blogs was  my thoughts on commenting…   if you  are not used to commenting just try it..tell me what you’d like to blog about or how this story affected your day! BTW:  That “commenting” blog is second on google.. I suppose that what you get when you learn from the best.

Its a dogs life hey!

Have great day!

Hi.... I'm Di  ! Nice to meet you!
Hi…. I’m Di !
Nice to meet you!









P.S.I learnt on a very simple blog platform check out one of my blogs on that platform to see how easy it is to start.  Its a short video I shot!



0 thoughts on “Its a dogs life”

  1. Love this simple story on several levels – shows what a great job the Dogs Refuge does, the Uncle’s great attitude- knowing he’ll need some help settling in and finally its fantastic to read a good story.

    1. Hi Jeremy,

      Yes a feel good story is such a lift for our busy days. Loved the uncles great attitude and yes what would we all do without the wonderful people in our dog refuges.
      Thanks for swinging by Jeremy

    1. Hi Jess

      Thanks for swinging by and enjoying a feel good story. Also good that Lili enjoyed, an example of writing anything on a blog as long as its of value even in this small way as in feel good.

  2. Hi Di

    Now I am a dog lover so totally love this story. At 89 that is an amazing decision and hopefully the little dog will give him a lot of love.

    I am not familiar with Westies but these pictures are gorgeous. When we lost our beagle almost two years ago it took me so long to get over it after having her for a tad under 17 years we have not ventured back to get another one yet.

    Thanks for sharing that Di.


    1. Hi Sue,

      Welcome back and thank you for your appreciative comment.

      I thought there were too many good aspects in this story to not share it. From the uncles attitude, to Marys generosity and thoughtfulness and of course the sychronicity of the events to create the “feel good” story!

      Thanks Sue for coming by and taking your time to comment today


  3. What a cutie and such a nice story. I’ve been thinking for some time I’d like to get a 2nd dog and keep waiting until the “right” time but I’ve noticed lately I’m coming across more stories and prompts like this and I’m starting to think the Universe is trying to tell me something. 🙂

    1. Hi Marquita and Welcome to my Lifestyle blog.

      Its funny how the universe sends us sign posts and its not until we bump into them or they have appeared for the tenth time that we think… should really look at what the sign post is saying…. ha ha ha love your comment.
      Yes this was such a “feel good” story that I had to jot it down and share it.
      Thankyou for swinging by Marquita and trust you are having a great day!

  4. Hi Di,

    What a wonderful story! As a dog lover (I’m down to two right now) I just love hearing stories about dogs finding their perfect match!

    My father-in-law was 85 and wanted a dog. He just loved Shelties! We found a 9 year old one on “death row.” This story is so similar. When we brought him home my Father-in-law said “Well lets see who goes first you or me!”

    They were pals to the end.


    1. HI Donna,

      Yep your story is sooooo similar even to the point of your father-in-laws attitude.
      Awesome that they were pals to the end Donna
      Thankyou for coming over and sharing your story. This is great way to get to hear peoples stories and lives from the round the world hey!

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