Internet traffic whilst travelling

One of the highlights of  visiting Karijini National Park in Western Australia was the STUNNING Fern Pool in Dales Gorge. The map shows where it is ( red arrow), we stayed up in Savannah Eco Tents ( green arrow).   As I said yesterday camping is great BUT GLAMPING is AWESOME!!!!!

Fern Pool and Where we slept in the Eco Tents.
Fern Pool and Where we slept in the Eco Tents.

There was only internet in the park at the “office” at Savannah Camp Ground.  I did upload a few things but with a slow connection I decided to do bare minimum email checking, then upload when I arrived in a town.  Tom Price is about an hours drive, did some catching up when we fuelled up there one day.

What I did keep up with was the new retail Internet Traffic Training Product ,fab for anyone in any business. It is in its launch phase so heaps of give aways until Saturday!

We would get up early for sunrise photos, ones like this.

Sunrise around our Glamping Tent
Sunrise around our Glamping Tent

Collect our gourmet packed lunch and head off for the day exploring.

My fav spot and there were many, was Fern Pool in Dales Gorge.

Beautiful... believe it or not.  This is really taken in the middle of the outback in Australia.
Beautiful… believe it or not. This is really taken in the middle of the outback in Australia.

Most nights we would collect out gourmet BBQ pack and cook it as were out sunset looking and often pay our $5 for 1/2 hr of internet and check whats going on in the world.

A few nights I spent another $5 for the 1/2 hr of internet to research the new Internet Traffic Formula Training Package. I checked out what other people were saying about it and listened to that intro video I just linked in for you. I have spent some time learning and figuring out the internet and really its not much different from a bricks and mortar business.  You still need customers and I needed some new skills.  I have now purchased that training and can’t wait to be travelling with more people whilst being paid.

If you want to see more photos of our trip so far check out some more pics.

Talk tomorrow

Have an Awesome day!


Skype: didownie   ( introduce yourself if I don’t know you)

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Internet traffic whilst travelling - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality