internet living

Internet living – online and offline – the balance of it!


my favourite past time is chatting with good friends on the beach
my favourite past time is chatting with good friends on the beach
internet living balanced with offline living can be a challenge.  I make my own sourdough bread just like you I have many house management ideals.
internet living balanced with offline living can be a challenge. I make my own sourdough bread just like you, I have many house management ideals.


For me balancing online and off line has been a challenge. I have created a simple system for myself now and not BY myself. The people I have met through blogs, webinars, facebook groups the list goes on have spurred my internet lifestyle to very rewarding heights.


A few weeks ago I did a blog on vision, being clear as to where Im going certainly helps every day with the tiny decisions that need to be made and how I plan my week.

There are a lot of women out there learning to juggle not only OFFLINE income but they are including ONLINE business activities. If they don’t have their heads around a business yet they will. Women spend the money and women are often the negotiators in families, we have to be, to manage and run a family for the number of years that we do it. Negotiation thinking often grows into business thinking to help ends meet.


internet living




The physical, “seeable” things that help me to balance off line and online lifestyle are:

  • Icloud is my best friend. To be able to put in an appointment with my iphone, ipad and my computer and to have them all synced is a true blessing to my daily, weekly, monthly organization.
  • Excel is my other next best friend, I have all my links, reminders, list of to do’s ready to go for all my ONLINE business activities.
  • Dropbox is another great tool so we can all share documents, I work with people from around the world, we work in one team to get to where we are going.
  • Google is my next best friend. If I don’t know anything … we all know to Google it
  • My online friends in groups with similar interests are often able to assist with many queries and they keep me on track.
  • To spend time BEFORE every Monday morning to make my plan – check appointments, write my outlines, accept webinar invites, prepare for my webinar presentations etc… is a MUST for me.
  • My Mind and how I think is the most important tool I have.

The webinar I watch yesterday was about how and why thoughts become things if you know its your your thinking that gets in your way sometimes you will LOVE this webinar.  four great ladies sharing how and why thoughts become things…


Have a great day

Hi.... I'm Di  ! Nice to meet you!
Hi…. I’m Di !
Nice to meet you!









Click the link below if you want a freedom filled lifestyle. Come along with me! You might not want to do blogging, but you might want to have more freedom and be paid while you are doing it.

Adam explains how the system works clearly, wait for the video to load, then click into start now..



0 thoughts on “internet living”

  1. Hi Di,

    I am in love with that video you have put here! It all starts with our thought patterns. Everything does! This is why I named my off line business years ago “Mind over Matter”

    I am a firm believer that we need to keep our mindset in a positive mode. Now, I am so not perfect. But the one thing I work on is my thought patterns because it is a never ending journey.

    There are many ways to get into that sub-conscious of ours. I’ve been through many modalities to do so and I can tell you this: It Works!

    If we are our own business, than we are the main tool. If that tool is sharp, so is our business. If we don’t take care of it, well…we are bound not to reach the goals we set up for ourselves.

    I enjoyed this so much and must say this recording of those fantastic women are incredible!


    1. Hi Donna,

      Thankyou for visiting, love the name “Mind over Matter” and yes there is nothing else really. Buck Minster Fuller always taught that our universe is made up of 99.9999% is energy which is invisible and we are taught in our education systems to focus on the .000000001% , so strange! Old habits die hard hey!!! Yet so exciting that we, as humans, are moving along to another level of consciousness.

      Yes there are many modalities to access our subconscious and it certainly shapes our life and everyday living.

      Talk again soon Donna, have a great rest of the week


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internet living - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality