12 Minds, Hearts, and Souls will Share their lifes work.

What goes around comes around- this is one beautiful law !

I have a little story to share this time and it is with reference to the ‘what goes around comes around’ a doctrine that I have been following for years now! 24 years ago, when we were in New York- the City of Dreams, my husband and I were involved in promoting personal development and entrepreneurs. Looking down memory lane, I am really proud that we took this opportunity. I’m sure you are also proud of opportunities that you have taken in your life. We never know what will come when we say YES!

I know from experience we must take opportunities and trust our judgements on each one. Opportunities come to us when ask for them. Sometimes we are not clear for what we ask for, my first tip is beware of what you think and what you ask for. Some opportunities are risky and some are fun, some are big and some are small. We must take them to shape our lives to how we want our lives to be.

We live in a very different era now, 24 years later I’m back in New York where a NEW TV SERIES named BRAND IT will be promoting me as the entrepreneur! Isn’t that just exciting- YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!

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Excited, happy and feeling extremely fortunate to announce the arrival of BRAND IT – a NEW TV SERIES where I (along with 11 other women entrepreneurs) will be taking our opportunities to share our collective thoughts and passions and business ideologies. We are on a drive to discuss everything that has the potential of bettering the planet. It’s a mind blowing opportunity that has been created by Bonnie Bruderer and Rhonda Renee Swan. BRAND IT has been picked up by Gloss Network and will be a feature story covered by Forbes. Bonnie says, “For those of you who don’t know what GLOSS Media is, it is the programming that plays in nail and beauty salons. Our show will be seen by 3 million a month, and they are a very captive audience”.

My private Facebook group JOIN THE DOTS “Aussie Style” will have continuous updates as to who , what, when for you to gain further insights to how ordinary women are doing extra ordinary things. (If you are not a member, please ask to join and tell me you receive my emails or you came from this blog post)

This brainchild show includes 12 entrepreneurs who are all women, from four  different countries, USA, Australia, Indonesia and Europe.  Each women will share her thoughts on how she started her idea and then outline what her idea is and why she does what she does. The Synergy between the 12 of us was one of co-operation, personal skilled offers of support and female compassion.

The Central IDEA of BRAND IT

Not that we aren’t successful (HAHA!), but simple because we all are amazing STORYTELLERS!

Storytellers willing to tell our stories to inspire for a bigger change!

When I first heard about BRAND IT, I was fascinated because I knew what I would be sharing with the wider world. Isn’t it beautiful when you can change, touch or influence somebody’s life with an exchange of thoughts and stories? Sharing my truth, expressing my tale of failure and discussing my journey of ultimate victory- Is what the world is hungry to hear.   So here is BRAND IT- a show where 12 wonder women would be sharing their awesome work experiences, their truths, their failures and ultimate victories. Through this show, discussions include:

  • What do we do?

  • Why we love to do what we do!

  • How we share our business!

  • How we took an idea and created our businesses!

  • What our missions are!

  • What has stopped us at times!

  • What were the values that helped us in our success journeys?

For me, I took the Brand it TV Show OPPORTUNITY to be a better Role Model!

Living life is our greatest teacher that will  often surprise us with some of our finest lessons. The more we engage in living the more we will elegantly gain clarity on our lessons. You see, there are ample opportunities spread around us, and all we need is an eye to ‘see’ and ‘appreciate’ them around us. In this hour of extreme happiness, when I am all excited and expanded by experiencing the shooting of the TV Show of BRAND IT, I want all of you to embrace ‘opportunities’ like never before. Never and NEVER discourage yourself for a mistake or a lost opportunity- life is a BIG powerhouse of surprises. A really big one! It is going to fascinate you at every moment and age. So when opportunity knocks your door, be ready to welcome it with your open arms.How to ensure the maximum flow of opportunities in life?

  1. Keep yourself informed about your field of interest, this might be a business.

  2. Learn about the latest market trends and opportunities.

  3. Have a network of people who will enhance your business education and yourself.

  4. Create a platform for yourself. For example, a business website and blog.

  5. Have endless curiosity for learning.

  6. Invest your best time in creating enduring relationships with people.

  7. Know and live from your VALUES.

  8. Listen to your heart, to your intuition. It will give you your directions.

With BRAND IT, I am really looking forward to expanding my ability to be a role model. I think I am just a country girl right now, and I have been able to create  this by simply taking opportunities. I wouldn’t say it has came easily, or that life has been easy, but then this is how it goes in life. Isn’t it? Life is full of challenges, and if life has the ability to surprise you with challenges, you should also have the resistance to surprise it back with your passion and power.

YOU MUST allow people around you to shift with your own change.  What I mean by this is to surround yourself with people who will ask more of you that you do and do NOT be discouraged by people who expect you to be who you  used to be.

Remember this- “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going”. It means when the situations become tough, only those who are tougher make it BIG in their life. It is the test of life. So be a player- a winning one.

How to deal with Challenges?

  1. Go slow. Take a small step. Take one step a time.  DO NOT RUSH!

  2. Ask for support and from people who will ask more of you than you do.

  3. Talk to people who can actually assist you.

  4. Learn from other’s mistake and experiences.

  5. Be brave. Be Bold. Be Special.

  6. Tell yourself often- YES I CAN DO IT!

  7. Attitude is everything. Have a winning attitude.

  8. Have acceptance for CHANGE in life.

  9. Align your values with the long-term vision of your life.

  10. Control your reactions! Here is a golden tip- “respond rather than react.”

Your Invite to NEW YORK, NEW YORK
Your Invite to NEW YORK, NEW YORK

So I would really love to invite you to come to New York with me. Come on this brand new journey with me or stay connected through my official social channels on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and my website. I want each one of you to be with me- to feel the excitement and ecstasy same as I am feeling right now. I am sure this journey is going to be as enlightening as ever, and since there will be 11 other rocking women with me, I promise some serious fun and fantastic learning experience to all of you.


It couldn’t get better than this….!

Hugs from New York, New York

Di Downie

Have the best day! Di
Have the best day!

0 thoughts on “12 Minds, Hearts, and Souls will Share their lifes work.”

  1. OMG Di This is soo very exciting for you and I feel your excitement and I am excited for you! Go Impact Millions of not just women but also Men, And young ones, be a role model absolutely. Be Bold, Be you! love it.

    Do Facebook Lives Scope about it and share share share. Go get em gal!

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12 Minds, Hearts, and Souls will Share their lifes work. - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality