How to solve problems

We all have minds and our minds are really good at solving problems when we ask questions, rather than focus on the problem.

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How to solve problems is often not a skill we learn as kids or at school.


Solving problems looks much like a river.
Solving problems looks much like a river.

We all have minds and our minds are really good at solving problems when we ask questions, rather than focus on the problem.

Focus on the solution through a positive question.



One of the things I love to do is grab my camera, go out and shoot something beautiful.

If you have an idea, a problem, a dilemma go somewhere different

Do something different from what you are normally do.

We often get our best solutions to problems in the shower , on the toilet, driving the car.

Problems are simple obstacles for us to go through to rejig constantly.

 Here are 3 tips to re-jig anything, either in your life or in your business.


Go outside of yourself to gain solutions to know how to solve your problems.


We love to go for a ride on our bikes into space amongst trees and nature.

Don’t rely on hope for things to change or the new age saying of  “the universe will take care of me”

You must do something different and that difference is to go from the inside of us

to the outside of us to encourage natural inspiration and ideas.

Allow yourself to come out of yourself.

Go from the inside to the outside.


4 tips to solving your next problem in a nutshell:



  1.  Get out of yourself.
  2.  Ask yourself a positive question coming from WHY.
  3. Go to people who have experience, who will support to get your answer.
  4. Record your ideas your inspiration.


Here is what other people wanted and how they solved their problems  in KNOW YOUR WHY


By the way what we read makes a huge impact on how we solve problems.

Here is a post on You are what you read.



Physically put yourself in a different environment to get a different perspective with a positive question.
Physically put yourself in a different environment to get a different perspective with a positive question.


This may sound basic and simple, and how many times have you found yourself feeling stuck personally and with a business or a job problem?


You are looking for a new idea.  You are looking for another way.


Here is a post on how develop your next idea.


Have the best day ever ! and what are your comments..share them in the box below…..
Hugs from Western Australia
Hello from us .. Rob and Di
Hello from us .. Rob and Di
Download your free version of: KNOW YOUR WHY




0 thoughts on “How to solve problems”

    1. Hi Kenny,

      Wouldn’t it be fabulous and even world changing if kids came out of school with a clear set of skills on how to solve problems and the ability to think for themselves.

      Thankyou for your time Kenny


  1. Go out, see a different environement allow the inside your spirit to rise up inspire you and take action. New Age thinking is not about sitting on your butt, Its about Allowing yourself the joy of knowing the universe has your back even as you take action towards your goals 🙂

    Love your tips Di

    1. Hi Julie,

      Yes we create our own environments and we need to get of it when we have a problem.

      We can be caught up in the 40 year old thought of we will be taken of… We must taken actions towards what we want.

      Thankyou for your time Julie


    1. this is very easy and simple and a post I wanted to do as we often take for granted that our life needs to be hard and “stuck”

      It is often problems that keep us stuck

      once we solve them


      we are free

      then we get another problem

      then we solve that one


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How to solve problems - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality