How to eat raw

Jamie asked me on the weekend something like “where do I start with eating more raw food?”.

I’m not sure what I said. BUT…..  it went something like ….. “with anything new”…… “start”!

Start experimenting.

Get to know what you like, get to pick the BS from the real food when you taste it when you are out.

For me its got to taste good, it must have good flavours, not just filled with filling stuff. The other day we had a spirlina ball. Spirilina sounds good for you right? it’s green, rolled in coconut…. Well I didn’t even finish the first bite, it was too sweet, it tasted like NOTHING.. and I felt that it was just filled with cheap filling.

How to eat raw

My tips are: Use organic where you can or at least know where your produce comes from.

All sugars are sugars, the trendy agave is still a sugar.

When they say NO Sugar…. They might mean dates,,, they are full of sugar, if you use dates, soak them to soak out some of the sugar they will still be sweet enough.

Soak your fruit and nuts.
Soak your fruit and nuts.

Let you taste buds change over time from refined foods,  every meal that is cooked, from processed  to more raw and even fermented foods (another blog post) takes time for our taste buds to become attuned to taste.

If you want to take a crack at raw food, just start.

Raw food has been made trendy, make is fresh have it in the house.

Its just good food not cooked or heated to nothing over 22 degrees.

Get in fruit and veges, preferably organic and experiment… google raw Pad Thai , google raw recipes or google raw whatever you have in your fridge!  MAKE IT EASY!!!!

Have fun and don’t get caught up in all the,  use this special ingredient and do it this way and that way.

Mix it up with cooked food or heated food.

How to eat raw!

Have now made this cake about five times all from different recipes from the net.

After being asked many times  here it is:  soooo simple, soooo delicious and soooo impressive…

If you are into impressing your friends and family for a dessert do this!

Have seen this called a raw cashew slice,  seen it called a dream cake, a raw cheesecake.

From my previous  raw food blog,  you will know I’m a throw in, eyeball it, give it the taste test and adjust if need be. If you are apprehensive follow exact steps until you are more confident…. like anything in living, take baby steps…….. aim for confidence!

The slice is the recipe below. You'll find the recipe for the little rounds in my previous raw blog link.
The slice is the recipe below. You’ll find the recipe for the little rounds in my previous raw blog link.

Like my previous raw slice recipe you cannot make a mistake here. It doesn’t need to rise, it will always taste different depending on the fruit you use, where the nuts come from, how long you let is defrost before you eat it’s raw! How long you soak the nuts and dates for. It is real and raw! This is how you eat raw!

RAW “cheesecake” Recipe  I call this my  “Yummy show off slice”

Base Crust: 1/2 cup almonds – I have used 1/2 cup raw cashews have also used 1/2 cup of macadamias instead of the almonds 1/2 cup soaked over night dates

pinch of salt – good quality

I have used 1/4 cup of coconut also

Middle Layer and topping: 1 ½ cups soaked raw cashews,  overnight is best if you want a smooth cream

1 tsp. alcohol-free vanilla extract

the juice of 2 good sized lemons

1/3 cup raw coconut oil, only just melted. 1/4 cup  agave nectar.  I have seen honey used, I prefer agave as it has no taste. 1 cup frozen or fresh raspberries or blueberries..what colour do you want it to be?  Raspberries will give you pink, blueberries will give you purple/dark blue. I have added in another 1/2 cup of soaked cashews if I wanted it a paler blue! I wanted Pams to be blue as she is a beach baby.  I waned Kates to be pink! she is a fairy!

Kates cake was made with organic frozen raspberries!
Kates cake was made with organic frozen raspberries!

Too simple instructions:


 Base Crust

I use a 7 inch spring- form pan and have also made them in a pyrex dish.  Depends what I want to use the cake for.  I use the spring pan if I want it to be fancy.  I have used the pyrex dish as a back up for a party or to just cut into small pieces to have in the freezer. As my spring-pan was in use.

Throw your choice of  nuts, salt and drained dates into your processor .  I have made fine crusts and more textured crusts, process until you are happy with the texture. Take a bit out of the processor press together to see if it sticks together.  Thats all you need!……  is for it to stick together.  Put all you mix in your dish/pan press and rub fingers over the top for evenness. I wet my finger tips to have a smooth top.

Middle layer and topping

Warm agave and the coconut oil over very  low heat.  I often have lumps in the coconut oil  Really only warm it! It will all mix in while processing!

In your processor/thermomix/vitamiser  add in the nuts first to make a cream  then add everything else EXCEPT the fruit.

EYEBALL about two thirds of the cashew cream spoon onto the base crust make it smooth for the middle layer.

Add your fruit to the remaining cream mixture, process, together.     Spatula it onto the cream middle, carefully.

I put my cake in the freezer in-between layers.

When all done lick the spatula and put the cake in the freezer.

The taste will depend on how defrosted it is when you serve it.  I like to take it out half an hour before I want to cut it.  I use a large chopper that I have had under warm water to push into the cake.

I may serve as traditional cheesecake slices as we did for Kates summer birthday.  Rob served  Pams birthday cake as small bite sized pieces for her winter birthday cake.

Of course you could serve with fresh fruit or homemade ice-cream (vegan) or its yummy just by itself.

We store it in the freezer and cut into slices or bite sized pieces for nibbling on.

It’s a good start to have something in your house thats yummy, pretty, sweet and RAW!

The hardest thing you will have to do is squeeze this!
The hardest thing you will have to do is squeeze this!



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Hi.... I'm Di  !
Hi…. I’m Di !








PS:  I help people to save, shop and connect shoppers to shop owners, this is how I can write my blogs .  If you want to have fun with me and do something similar , check out the promo video, put in your email address and name, you can check it. Here through here

Have a AWESOME DAY!!!!!!!!



0 thoughts on “How to eat raw”

    1. Hi Hollie,

      Thanks for swinging by and saying hi and you are proof of what the WOW effect is when we serve up something with real colour and taste!
      Its a bit like living life with the WOW effect hey!!!!!

    1. Thanks Diane for always coming by and checking out my blog. Lyoness is setting me up to be blogging and helping other people into the next phase of my life.
      I don’t only help other people, every time I buy my groceries or fuel Im feeding and educating less fortunate kids. Actually the vision for the company is to eradicate hunger by 2020….. how cool is that!!!!!!
      As for the blogging: You can start blogging using the platform I use, these guys taught me EVERYTHiNG, E V E R Y T H I N G !!!!! I know about blogging and getting my stuff out there. check it out Diane:

      Have a great weekend Diane

  1. love the recipes, thanks for sharing Di and to everyone who reads this I tasted the raw cheesecake tonight and it was very yummy. Im going to try and make his one myself this weekend!

    1. Hi Jess,

      Yep this slice is so yummy and soooo easy its a wonder people still mess around cooking.
      Enjoy making it Jess!

  2. The photos of the food are fantastic….. and the raw food sounds like yum. Don’t want to know how to make it, I just want to eat it!!!

  3. Hi Di

    I have never done the raw thing although we eat healthily and these recipes sound very nice. I love the look of Kate’s cake. Now I am not a sweet tooth much either but you have got me thinking.

    Do you eat totally raw?

    There are lots of people in Noosa who are into the raw food and of course here it is so easy to get fresh organic produce.

    Thanks for this post Di.


    1. Hi Sue,

      Thanks for dropping over and checking out my blog for this week.
      We don’t eat totally raw, I have food in our house that is quick easy fresh. I look for recipes that are to our tastes and I make them even more to our liking.
      Like you, my time is precious and I want us to have food on hand that is as raw as possible and as tasty as possible.
      I keep something in our house for the sweet tooths all the time or they will hunt something out!
      To be able to have a recipe up my sleeve that is quick, with no flours or fillers in it, I think, is a good life skill.
      Have a great week Sue!

  4. Hi Di,

    It is the first time on your blog and I love it! Your recipes are delish! I do mix raw foods sometimes, but basically a vegetarian.

    Thanks so much for mentioning the no sugar factor. Many prepared raw foods use dates and contain so much sugar it’s sickening! Preparing your own food is so much better and like the idea of soaking the dates. Thanks for that tip!

    Now that it is Summer, I do have the pleasure to eat straight from my garden. There is nothing like it!

    I will be back to follow up!


    1. Hi Donna,
      Welcome to my blog and thank you for dropping by.
      Yes preparing our own food is so much better and often quicker I find,than going to the markets for organics and then the supermarket, especially if you can find a hour a week to attend a vege garden. We eat mostly from our garden, and I keep organic nuts etc in my fridge for quick easy add ons to meals.
      I soak all our dried fruits to take out some of the sugar. I use goji berries a lot , of course they have a heap of sugar also.
      Even with winter here, we can grow enough greens for the two of us to keep fresh and quick meals on the table or in lunch take aways.
      Have a great week Donna and look forward to more visits and more interesting comments from you.

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How to eat raw - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality