How is watering my garden the same as my life

How is watering my garden the same as my life?

It’s part of my life

Well its not, and it is, all at the same time!


Not really!

I went to water the garden yesterday and saw something that I hadn’t ever noticed before.

I was automatically unravelling the hose…. how amazing hey!!!!

This sounds so simple and even stupid and not worth reading right!

Take a look at the  video and it will make sense to you I’m sure!


It doesn’t matter what we do, it’s how we think that matters.


YOU are the only one who really knows how you think. Although people can pickup on how you think.

My double dutch message here is look for analogies, look for stories to help change our thinking and feelings and believes and values!

I trust this blog post either confuses you or gets you thinking.  Either way I have done my job today!

Food for thought!

Have a great day!


Hi.... I'm Di  ! Nice to meet you!
Hi…. I’m Di !
Nice to meet you!


Call me if you want to know more about what I do:  +61 403046136

Skype me: didownie

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0 thoughts on “How is watering my garden the same as my life”

  1. I totally love the hose analogy and it applies to so many things…. One step in front of the other, one piece of the puzzle, then the next piece. Very clever Di. Love your work.

  2. Hi Di,

    I love your analogy! As you were taking one part of your hose at a time, it reminded me of the “baby steps” we need to take to accomplish a goal.

    You couldn’t just put the water on to get your garden watered. You had to unravel it one step at a time. Then it was time to reach the goal of watering your garden.

    When it comes to business, it all makes sense to me. We know what we need to accomplish (the garden needs water) and we need to take the necessary steps to complete it.

    I like things put simply just like this because it makes a powerful impact on what we do.


    1. Hi Donna,

      Yes its a simple and even silly analogy, and sometimes its the simple things that stick hey!

      Yes to what you say, we do often know what we need to accomplish and its a matter of taking the steps to complete it.

      I almost didn’t load this video as I thought it too simple, too silly, too common, too human like. Yet, most of us have taken a hose off its hanger and had a simple plan of watering our garden. We often, as humans, often don’t blow that simple plan out to business or a bigger plan.

      Love your comments, always Donna,

      Thankyou once again for taking your time.


  3. Hello Madam Di,

    You have of course done your part and the most interesting you said which I think I can’t do away with is this; ‘It doesn’t matter what we do, it’s how we think that matters’.
    Your thought shapes your life!

    1. Hello Emmanuel,

      You have hit the nail on the head, our thoughts shape our lives.

      Thats why I posted this documentary, I see that these women are great examples of exactly that.

      They live what they believe, not only through the way they dress, their dress styles facilitates their confidence.

      Thankyou for taking the time to come over Emmanuel and adding to our community.


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How is watering my garden the same as my life - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality