How to get rid of what you don’t want

Took this shot on the Swan River the other day, while I was catching my thinking!
Took this shot on the Swan River the other day, while I was catching my thinking!

Wayne Dyer gives some great tips on How to rid of what you don’t want in his book The Power of Intention: Learning to co-create your world your way.

I was practising some of his great tips over Christmas and while we were out on a day of boating on the swan river.

We always go to the beach on Christmas morning.
We always go to the beach on Christmas morning.


If you have kids, Im sure you will agree that to spend the day with your kids and your soul mate is the best day of all.  We also have our doggies that enjoy us hanging out together.

Joops huge smile says it all, don't you think?
Joops huge smile says it all, don’t you think?

I think Joops monitors his self talk all the time…. I mean…. can’t you see it in his smile?  Its always clear to see what is in his head…. ha ha ha ha  .  For us humans we often don’t even take any notice of what we are thinking.  I’m taking some lessons from Joops!

What is there to say to this great shot!  FUN PLUS!!!!!
What is there to say to this great shot! FUN PLUS!!!!!
Oppppsssss Everything new takes practise. Sometimes we fall off then we get back on the board!
Oppppsssss Everything new takes practise. Sometimes we fall off then we get back on the board!
Here's to you for 2015!
Here’s to you for 2015!

So my message today is take notice of what you are thinking,  if you want more tips download Wayne Dyers book, its a easy read.

Go for what you want in 2015…. with clarity!


Hi from The Swan River in Perth.
Hi from The Swan River in Perth.


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or check out other pics on instagram


0 thoughts on “How to get rid of what you don’t want”

  1. great post and pictures. We often think about things in a certain way all the time because we have “always thought about in the same way” and can’t imagine thinking in a new way.
    Great ideas! 🙂

    1. Hi Teresa,

      Wayne explains his concepts in such simple terms then gives very simple steps to practise how to catch ourselves so we have the opportunity to link what we really want to our intention.

      Im loving this book and highly recommend it

      Thankyou for coming by and sharing your thoughts with us all.


  2. Wow Di, great pictures and I love Joops smile!
    Wayne Dyer is fantastic. I still have his first book…. Your Errogenous Zone!
    Have a great time playing
    Happy New Year, Love Diane and Robert xxx

    1. Hi Diane,

      Oh yes I loved your Erroneous Zone by Wayne. I had forgotten that book, I was thinking that I wasn’t great fan of his. This book has some great some in it also. So there you go… I must be one of his fans,


    1. Hi John,

      Well come on down John, Love to have you and your family at our beach for Christmas next year and yep I took the photos, one of my passions and I’d like to do more of it in 2015.


    1. Hi Sue,

      I didn’t take that many photos this year, ( last year ) unusual for me!

      We had such a lovely time with the girls and our families. I love being in Perth this time of the year


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How to get rid of what you don't want