All That You Earned in 2016- People, Love, Values, Memories, and So On!

As the years go by, the more I realize that knowing our values then living from our values is the most important assets in our lives. We earn people, their memories and their love contribution in our respective lives when we invest our time in our values.

When we are invested in our own values we are of more value to other people and we are authentic.

Do you know why I am saying this? Because:

When our life comes to an end, it won’t matter that what branded collections we have or what furniture we have in our home or which car we bought this year- eventually, everything will fade away. In the long run of life, what will matter the most is us, our relationships, our love and our memories. So how much time are you going to give to yourself????

Ask Yourself NOW!

Why do I value my time?

What was your answer?

My answer is:

I value my time because I aim to do and be from what is important to me”

Our Values are our WHY!

Our Values are what matters to us.

Our Values are what is important to us.

My Values are





We are about to bid farewell to a yet another fabulous and ever changing year and before doing that, I insist you take a bit of time for yourself! Take time to STOP and reflect on what worked in your life in 2016 and what did NOT work for YOU!


Take time to focus on what and who you love and begin to focus on what and who you love. Throw away the concept of goals and new years resolutions and begin to use your mind to focus on what you love and who you love. What routines gave you an up lifted and light feeling, who gives you value and adds to your life. What did you do in 2016 that gave you pleasure and value back to you? Start it now- I will tell you how you can actually make a perfect assessment of 2016 i.e. understanding what you really learned and earned this year. So here you go!

#Evaluation Check 1- Know about things that have really WORKED in your life in 2016

I am sure you will have many such things and I will give you my personal example here! In the year 2016, I took a step forward in exploring and propagating my She’preneur ideas, routines and values to help other people be indepedant and profitable.

I spoke on GLOBAL STAGES, here is snippet of one of the keynotes in Bahrain

I became a part of the Brand IT TV show, meeting some of the most successful women entrepreneurs from around the globe.

This very blog is a winning source of inspiration!

I spent quality time to Rob and our girls, cooked some of the healthiest recipes, and so on- I did many activities that goes towards giving me self full fillment in my life.

My Second Book A High Heels Paradox became a International Amazon Best Seller in three countries. Isn’t that so AWESOME?

The ability to start something, plan it and take it further without overstressing yourself about the success or failure of the plan, is important- you have to have that in you to make the difference.

#Evaluation Check 2- Focus on ‘What you Love’

Priorities in life are important… very important! Being a She’preneur, even when I started on this road of online business making I had no clue as to what I would actually being doing by the end of 2016. I knew what I was focused on and I knew what my values were to keep my focused. As you see above, one of my values is FAMILY which was one of my personal focusses. For me, both my family and my career are what matters to me. Combined they make me a fuller person. It is what I love and since I will always focus on what and who I love, I promise myself to keep a close check on my priorities. So take some time and evaluate your year on the basis of this parameter.

#Evaluation Check 3- Throw away the concept of goals and New Year resolutions

We all associate New Year with fresh goals and resolutions- many of us have learnt this is how we are going to improve our future and how we will bring the desired change in our respective lives. Quite justified also! But have you ever given a thought to the year you just spent? Or let me put it straight- what have you learned in 2016? What values have you added to your routines? Throw away your goals and new year resolution thinking and use your mind to focus on what you value. Well, this reminds me of a beautiful quote:

Oh Yes, the past can HURT

But, you can either RUN from it or LEARN for it~ The Lion King

Take lessons from your past and increase your focus on what and who you love. Keep your people close- those who can uplift your mood in seconds, who can make you feel light and most importantly, who can give and take your values.

#Evaluation 4: Analyzing your values

The process of turning new ideas into reality starts with the ability to make value based decisions. It is more or less a principle that you apply amidst your personal and professional environment. And just like ‘change’, values are also in an ever-developmental state. You make them everyday… you learn them every now and then! Work on the identification of your values and understand the belief that supports your values.

Making New Year goals and resolution is a nice thing to do but what is more amazing than this is to understand the worth of things that you already have. Focusing on what and who you love and give your time to it! They are your “WHY we do what we do”. So my fabulous readers, here is a special offer for you this week to become MORE in 2017 (especially for She’preneurs)

Click on this link to unravel your ‘Know Your Why’ I am sure you are going to love it!

So tell me about your values and what you intend to focus on for 2017.

And also tell me how are you going to add value and worth in your routines? I am sure the coming year will add all the colors of happiness and glory in your life. The comment box below is waiting for your words.

P.S: Wishing you a


Hugs and love


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0 thoughts on “All That You Earned in 2016- People, Love, Values, Memories, and So On!”

  1. Hey
    Happy New Year to you too !

    2016 has been a big year, for all the freedom seekers, specially if I think from my point of view s I am well standing high when it comes to my career, so i more free to take my own decisions now.

    And I hope 2017 will give us more success.

    BTW, All the best for your future. May Didownie reach more high.


    ~ Jelina

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All That You Earned in 2016- People, Love, Values, Memories, and So On! - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality