3 keys to make your vision happen

If you are in a primary relationship make sure your partner also has the same vision. Use both of your details to create where you are going . . . .

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3 keys to make your vision happen

A vision needs to be clear with pictures, words, numbers and feelings. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KYNCktS-SU

3 keys to make your vision happen

1st key is to get super clear on your vision.

If you are in a primary relationship make sure your partner also has the same vision. Use both of your details to create where you are going.You might be both doing different activities in your days,  I don’t know about you………. I want to be going in the same direction as my husband and NOT be pulling in different directions.  Or like some couples its only one person making the vision.

Your idea, your job, your business is NOT your vision.

If you are working on your idea, I did a blog on this subject.

You may have a vision of what your perfect house will be.  What colour is it, where is it, how many bedrooms, where is the kitchen, what bedding colours will you use.

I was in Bahrain recently speaking, and was fortunate to meet and even have a selfie with the Governor of Bahrain.

His Vision is to enable every person in Bahrain to have have their own virtual office.
His Vision is to enable every person in Bahrain to have their own virtual office.

2nd Key to make your vision happen is to stay focussed on where you spend your time.

Stay focussed on activités to put your vision pieces together to create it. There are many distractions now especially with social media and yet social media is the medium many of us are creating our vision.  Remember social media can be a distraction, you have a choice and you need discipline and a clear vision to stay on your path.
3rd Key to make your vision happen is to revisit your words, numbers, photos, pictures, feelings everyday.

Use a Vision board to see what you want. Cut out photos and words from magazines,
Use a Vision board to see what you want. Cut out photos and words from magazines,
Use a piece of flip chart paper, be creative with words, feelings a mind map
Use a piece of flip chart paper, be creative with words, and feelings on a mind map. Use colour and different shapes.
You maybe an analytical thinker with a business plan being the bet way to create your VISION.
You maybe an analytical thinker with a business plan being the best way to create your VISION.

Pull your vision together every day as you do activities to create where you are going.

You must stay in action everyday doing what you think will get you closer to your vision, ask yourself is this activity getting me closer to my vision.

3 keys to make your VISION Happen

1. Get super clear on your vision

2. Stay focussed

3. Revisit your vision everyday

One last tip:   Ask yourself are you solving a problem while you are on your adventure towards your VISION.    Solving problems is the way businesses become successful.  The people in those businesses solve problems for people who will pay them for solving their problem.
What is your idea that is going to, or,  is creating your vision?
Do what matters to YOU and create YOUR Lifestyle.
My Vision is to empower 1000 couples and women to be globally independent through making a profit and re-activating intimacy.

Make your vision happen for you.
Make your vision happen for you.

What is your Vision?

Tell me in the comments…. I love to hang out with people who are going where they love to be going.
Hugs from Western Australia
Di and Rob


Do you know why you want to have choices and be independent?

0 thoughts on “3 keys to make your vision happen”

    1. Hey Keith,

      It sounds easy to get super clear and stay super clear.

      Especially online it can be a challenge to stay focussed and keep our vision clearly in the front of us. Making our activities easy to do everyday.

      Thankyou Keith for your time and your valuable comment


  1. We are our own Bus Driver, we direct it where we want it to go and we also can drive it in a completely wrong direction, down rabbit holes ad the like. The beauty is we can always correct the direction and get back on track and you are so very right Di, Being clear on what we want for our lives and keeping it visibly in sight helps keep that bus going in the right direction.

    1. Hi Julie,

      Yep I have been down a few rabbit holes an around a few corners that took me nowhere. I often wondered why I went there.

      Now I know… its was simply to know that I need to keep my vision in my mind, in some type of physical form so I can see it. I then get to know what I’m to do .

      I once did a workshop where one of its Mantras was: Clarity Leads to Power..that also translates into fun and ease of living.

      Thankyou Julie


  2. Love the vision for this will keep you consistent A vision needs to be clear with pictures, words, numbers and feelings. thank you for sharing great read and value !!~ Appreciate !!~

    1. Hi Sandra,

      I trust that you gained a few tips from it Sandra and that you can use them to keep yourself clear and on track.

      Although Vision had been bantered around for many yeas, and it seems so simple it is one of the hardest things to get crystal clear, especially now with more distractions than ever.


    1. Hello Rory,

      Its just the beginning .. to see where we want to go and to be able to put it in one sentence.

      Going back to that sentence from our mind map, business plan or whatever it is that we use is very powerful for further clarity and purposeful activities during our day.

      Thankyou for your time Rory


    1. Hi Kenny,

      A super clear vision is really the only way to know where we are going.

      The majority of people will say they know know this , yet cannot clearly
      write their vision and will not take the time to tease the sentence out.

      Thankyou for your time Kenny


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3 keys to make your vision happen - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality