My pick of my top pics!

We are planning our next trip so  thought it was time to put up the top pics from The Beautiful Karijini National Park Trip.

Lets start with a arty farty one first.
Lets start with a arty farty one first.


Rob took this shot of this very cool spider and it's web in Hamersley Gorge
Rob took this shot of this very cool spider and it’s web in Hamersley Gorge


I love the colours of this shot.  It was taken on the road out of the Hamerlsey Gorge.
I love the colours of this shot. It was taken on the road out of the Hamerlsey Gorge.


I think this is my fav!....
I think this is my fav!….

I use a Nikon D700 with a variety of Lenses.

Mostly shoot from my Tripod these days as I love to play with light and speed.

I pay for most of my travel activities  with two the BEST PRODUCTS on the planet.

I have two income streams as I have to buy my food and fuel and want to travel more around the world and the other one  teaches me how to do this blogging.

If you want to do more of what you love to do.

Checkout this one.


This one.

Have an Awesome day!


Skype: didownie   ( please introduce yourself if I don’t know you, I block people if I don’t know them)

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My pick of my top pics! - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality