How to develop your idea

When figuring out how to develop your idea, remember these fundamental principles and you will become crystal clear.

While we are busy with life, we must capture that idea and develop it and fill in the details over time
While we are busy with life, we must capture that idea and develop it and fill in the details over time


Watch this short step!

The first step is to have an idea that you need to follow through on.

Write it

Draw it

Speak it

What is your idea?

Make it simple just like that sunset…. you might only see your idea as that sunset with the water with little detail.

Then get on and do what needs to be done for the day.

Don’t get caught up in the jargon, of vision, goals, focus, plans, purpose….

Come back tomorrow and see, feel, hear your idea again.

It will be a smidgen more detailed.


The second step of

How to develop your idea

is similar to the first step.



Your idea will develop when you make it happen, when you come back to it EVERYDAY.

Look at what you drew or wrote yesterday.

What did you feel yesterday when you had that idea?

What did you say about your idea yesterday

Ignore your excuses, come back everyday and fill out the details.

We are all different in the way we create our ideas.

You will begin to see details.

You will begin to shorten the gap between what are your excuses, your grass is greener thinking, and what seems urgent.

I was developing my Business Idea while I helped make these chandeliers for an event
I was developing my Business Idea while I helped make these chandeliers for an event


Here are those chandeliers hanging ,ready for 1000 guests to appreciate. WE have minds that can create an idea while we are doing simple tasks.
Here are those chandeliers hanging ,ready for 1000 guests to appreciate. WE have minds that can create an idea while we are doing simple tasks.


How to develop your idea is simple,

it will take on its own path to reality.

Think about the pathway that the shuttle took to land on the moon.

You are here.

You want your idea to come to fruition.

There is no straight line to build your path from NOW to your IDEA.

Start to build in dates, times, places, why you are doing it, who you want involved.

We are here to solve problems……..    solve them   ………..   and move on.

Watch for your values operating while you move closer to your idea.

Bridge the gap between now and living your idea.

Remember there is no such thing as a straight line.

There will be problems to solve

There will be obsticles

There will be times when you want to put your hands in the air and walk in another direction.

Do it day by day.


When you are driven from what is important to you, when you are driven from your values you will always come back to your idea.  Your idea may change slightly allow your idea to evolve!


Allow it to change and evolve

Keep walking towards your idea and live out what  is important every day


If you are not sure on how you will see your values or what they are here are a few tips





An Idea can feel like a storm in your head.  Allow it to happen!
An Idea can feel like a storm in your head. Allow it to happen!

Write, draw, speak, feel your idea.

Come back to it EVERYDAY to fill in the details.

Come back to it to draw it, speak it, write it and feel it.

Visualise your wriggly pathway to your idea.

Watch out for your values operating they are the key to what drives you.




Have the best day ever !
great to see you again!
great to see you again!



0 thoughts on “How to develop your idea”

  1. Thank you for sharing this post. So many ideas never come to pass, I’m sure that many of the can be life changing actually even world changing.

    1. Hi Kenny,

      Yes so many more ideas would be world changing when
      people come back to them, give them attention
      and carry them out… yes world changing

      Always love to see you here Kenny


    1. Hi Tara,

      I had someone say to me, Ill use this tips next time I have an idea.

      We have ideas all the time and often we ignore them with being busy and doing what needs to be done
      rather than following up on those nagging ideas

      Always appreciate your time Tara


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How to develop your idea - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality