Camping in Western Australia

Western Australian camping is unique with the vast miles we need to travel from one spot to the next along with the variation in landscapes . . .

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Camping in Western Australia is a ritual in our marriage…. we aim for two or three trips a year.


One of my Fav pics from this camping trip.
One of my Fav pics from this camping trip.

Western Australian camping is unique with the vast miles we need to travel from one spot to the next along with the variation in landscapes not to mention once we get out of the city we have more personal space than anyone on the planet…. I love it!!!!!

Our camping items are always ready to go, stored in the shed, with notes for the next shopping trip.

I love seeing our small towns funky entrances…

This Giant Ram is in a small town by the name of Wagin
This Giant Ram is in a small town by the name of Wagin

I love to tick off the towns that we past…. This is a 7 hour drive from Perth to Esperance…  It took us 9 hours as we stopped taking photos on the way….


A Typical Road Signs of Western Australia..... Every country has its own style... I love that about travelling!!!!
A Typical Road Signs of Western Australia….. Every country has its own style… I love that about travelling!!!!


The way we eat is important to us.. even when camping…. I call it glamping.  We take a fridge, carrying fresh salads, plenty of avocados, nuts.  We often start with fresh Kefir.

Here is one of our beach camp lunches

Lucky Bay is a beautiful beach… AND…. I loved Hellfire Bay

It was windy in the morning at Hellfire Bay near Esperance Western Australia... worth a visit even if it's windy
It was windy in the morning at Hellfire Bay near Esperance Western Australia… worth a visit even if it’s windy

There are more photos on my out and about page  check it out if you haven’t already!!!!!


One of my values is FREEDOM…. I feel the most free when I’m at the beach… swimming at it, driving on it, walking on it … I cut this video while driving on it


Camping In Western Australia can be unpredictable, we carry a spare tyre, extra water, extra batteries.  As I said in that top video we drive with a inverter to keep all our cameras, computers, phones charged.

Western Australian camping involves many miles in our case.  We like to explore new places where there are few people, unusual landscapes and  few rules and regulations.  FREEDOM!!!! and FUN!!!!

I had to walk out a ways to catch a wave and wallow in the warm clear clear water
I had to walk out a ways to catch a wave and wallow in the warm clear clear water

We were by ourselves for M I L E S and K I L O M E T R E S!!!!!  FREEDOM  and FUN!!!!!

Here are a few unique things about Western Australian camping.

People ask me do you sleep on the ground with the snakes and do you see kangaroos jumping every where.

As you can see in the video we have huge bull ants and you DO NOT want to be bitten by one of them.  Otherwise most of our animals are more scared of you then you should be of them.  Be sensible out in the bush or in the desert or on a deserted beach.

NEVER take nature for granted that includes the ocean!

To drive around Esperance is a travellers dream
To drive around Esperance is a travellers dream

I always ask “what was the best part of…….”…….  In this case I asked “what was the best part of our camping trip”  See why I do this….. in the video below

It has nothing to do with the best part of the trip….

That question has all to do with your Values, YOUR WHY and what you want more of in your life.

ARE you super clear on why you do what you do or why you have done what you have done… you will gain insights from this little book take it it!


In a nutshell:            Camping in Western Australia… or  anywhere!!!!!

Take good healthy food…. camping in my mind is NOT an excuse to eat junk.

Take a spare tyre and always extra water, of course for me  (I’m a red head)… plenty of sun protection  that includes an umbrella… in case of a break down…

Why are you going camping …. My goal was to sit on Lucky Bay  A Beach Icon of the world.  AND to spend quality time with Rob my husband.  One of my values is family and that takes quality time!

Always review your trip… Ask the questions “what was the best part”  Then you are moving forward to make every trip, every day, every project better, further filling your life with what’s important to YOU!!!!!

My view at the Gorgeous Taylors Beach Bay in Esperance, having a coffee with jam and cream... how very english is that???
My view at the Gorgeous Taylors Beach Bay in Esperance, having a coffee with jam and cream… how very english is that???


have the best day ever!!!!!!!!


Happy Camping when you go!!!!!
Happy Camping when you go!!!!!
PS   Did you watch “The Secret”?  and were you inspired?.. check this app out!

0 thoughts on “Camping in Western Australia”

  1. Looks lovely Di.. I have to say.. I spent many years camping as a family when I was young – and that put me off for life lol.. I prefer a hot shower on the door step etc… glad you enjoyed it 🙂

    1. Our vast state takes a lot to get around to see some of the most speccy places on the planet. To camp gives us many more options. We are really five star campers with our fridge, shower and a very nice tent and of course a 4Wheel drive.

      In Australia we are very fortunate to drive on many of our beaches for miles and not see a soul…. very special!!!!

      Always love your visits Helen


    1. Dear Louisa,

      We love to explore our own state. It is so vast and interesting and varying in its landscape and history.

      As I said to Helen, we are really 5 star campers with all our mode cons so that makes it rreal living

      Love your visits to my blog Louisa


    1. Hello Heidi,

      Yes put it on your bucket list. We don’t have the high level of accommodation as you Americans do so do your research as to how you want to travel.

      This is why many of us Aussies are 5 star campers, this way we can get to remote places that are well worth seeing.

      Thankyou for visiting my page today


    1. Hi Jerry,

      Thankyou for taking the time to watch all the videos.

      I trust you enjoyed them and gained some small questions or insights from them.

      Western Australia is truelly unique.

      Thankyou for coming by and adding your comments


  2. Hi,

    what a wonderfull photos. I wish I could share all those trips with you. It might happened one day, you never know.

    Kind regards.

    Adrijana & Darijo

    1. Hi Adrijana,

      Yes you never know….. our next W.A. trip will be the Kennedy Ranges.

      Rob thinks about a 3,000 km round trip in about September if you would like to come with us

      Love to you both


    1. Yes Kenny.

      Camping is a great tradition and it is something that is very grounding for our marriage. There is space and us and nature.

      Appreciate your visit Kenny


    1. Hello Lorraine

      I never really enjoyed camping until we put the shower and the fridge into our camping items. Then it made our camping like we could go anywhere and yes especially here in Australia where we can go places and not see a soul for days…. I love that

    1. Thankyou Stephanie for coming over and commenting. Sorry I have taken so long to reply to you.

      Have been in Bali enjoying families that I don’t see that often.

      Being Bali is very different to camping in Western Australia and makes me appreciate my life even more

      Thankyou Stephanie for your comment


  3. Hi Di,
    I loved, loved seeing the videos and your pictures. As you know Ivan is from that part of the world and we spent the first years of our married life in Esperance. Driving along the beach was pretty much a weekly event when the kids were young.
    I am with you – driving on the beach and shopping in Paris – I can do both. 🙂

    Awesome post thank you.


    1. Hi Sue,

      I love driving on beachss. I don’t really know why except that I feel free.

      We never did it when I was a kid, but I love to just drive and drive and drive… just like I love to walk the streets of Paris and walk and walk and walk and people watch and absorb the culture.

      Thanks Sue for your comment and I always love it that you take the time to say hi and give your valuable comment


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Camping in Western Australia - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality