You are what you read

It’s true we think from what we read….


You are what you read!


The other day browsing our book case gave me a clear picture of what my interests are, have been and what my interests are now.

This short video describes what I discovered from my book case. It outlines the books that began my mind reshaping.

you are what you read


What are your interests and who were your first authors who started to reshape your thinking?


The authors who started to shape my thinking were:

Dr Llewellyn Jones with his Book – Every Woman

Michael Gerber  –  The E Myth. There are thousands of books out there now on business.

The Path of Least of Resistance was Robert Fritz landmark book… I loved and still love his book Creating.

Dorothy Hall and Adelle Davis were early writers on health, food and all good things to eat.

Of course Louise Hay and Shakti Gwain were pioneers with their books, “tapes” and seminars. They created an overwhelming legacy for us all to model in the areas of health, spirituality, self healing and general wellbeing.

Shel Silverstein is not that well known with his books difficult to find. His work is so much fun and memorable for children and parent to rattle off simple rhymes about living.

We studied “Bucky” Buckminster Fullers work when Robert Kyiosaki was figuring out what he wanted to write and how he was going to leave a legacy. Robert and Kim have done an amazing job of educating people about finance, the rat race and the job mentality. They are amazing role models for taking principles and putting them to good use.

As for Wallace Wattles book, The Science of Getting Rich. He shares his principles of how to redirect our thinking to get what what we want. I’d highly recommend this downloadable edition to listen to everyday. Just listen to 5 minutes of it….

Writing this blog I’m thinking of so many great writers who have left us with what they discovered and how those discoveries changed their lives and now have changed many lives on the planet.

Of course my interests are wider now, deeper now,  I live my life from what I read many years ago. I change my life from what I read now.  I’m sure you do to.

What do you read, or have read, that you consider has changed your thinking?


What are the books that have improved the way you work and make money?


What are the books that you have carried around so they have fallen apart????


Love to hear what they are!


and …… the way have you read my new E BOOK…. you can grab it if you scroll to the top of this page.

put in your best email address and Ill send you YOUR free E BOOK
put in your best email address and Ill send you YOUR free E BOOK



Have the best day ever



Have the best day ever!
Have the best day ever!








0 thoughts on “You are what you read”

  1. Great blog Di – I actually had a clear out last year when I left NZ for a while… but I am collecting again and on my iphone – I am most certainly my books 🙂

    1. Hi Helen,

      Yes we do collect again don’t we.

      I think thats good

      When we shifted off our farm I kept all our good favourite original books
      I know Ill never read them again, but I love them all.


  2. I have a Library full of books but to be honest I have gotten away from reading ( internet ) got to blame it on something ♥♥ just a few I will mention !!~ Brendon Burchaard ( The Motivation Manifesto) James Redfield ( The Twelfth insight) Mitch Albom ( The five People you meet in heaven ) ect
    thank you for your post

    1. Hi Sandra,

      I tend ot read on my Ipad nowadays and love it that I can take 10 or so books away with me and r4ead a bit from this and bit from that

      Thats not how I used to read. I’d buy a book for example the Secret Garden by Shakti Gwain and I read it to death. The Robert Fritz book I read , book marked, re-read, dog eared… same with the Buckminster Fulller Books.

      I think we read quite differently nowadays due to the internet, like you say.

      Appreciate your visit Sandra.


    1. HI Jerry and thankyou for coming over to join the conversation

      Yes is it fascinating as to what people read and then to see how that reading , especially over time, has influenced their life, their family, how they live, where they live, who they hang out with.

      It was a great pleasure posting this blog


  3. Hi Di, Great post and I have read most of the books you named with the exception I have not read any of Robert Fritz books and sounds like I should. I love looking back at the books I have read over my life. My subjects are a collection of business, health and personal growth. I did read Everywoman and other books on children way back

    I love seeing you on video Di.


    1. Hi Sue,

      Somewhere in one of Robert Fritz books he talks about walking around his suburb looking at the houses and the gardens. He describes the houses and the gardens then he says something like …….. in a very short time I’ll be walking around my suburb and these houses and gardens will look exactly the same yet everyone inside the houses will be very very different. Most of the houses will have people working inside of them.

      He goes on to say that some people will think that the world is the same because the gardens and houses look the same, and they are! …….. and there will be some people who know that the world has changed dramatically…. that has happened…. we are living it right now and we are some of those people who know that the world has changed dramatically.

      Thankyou Sue

  4. I still like books made from paper, but do read electronic ones as well, depending how impatient I am to get reading. It’s so interesting to look at your shelves and see what you have read over the years, and how some thoughts have developed, and some are still the same. Nice list of books, thanks Di.

    1. I love both types of books, electronic and paper.

      I love highlighting on my ipad and I love to scribble in my paper books.

      Yes isn’t it interesting to see what we have develpoed into from what we have read over the years.

      I still love all those topics I mentioned and I have developed other interests as I have gone through my years

      Thankyou for coming over Louisa and I appreciate your contribution.


  5. Seeing your collage of books reminds me that I really need to get that Louise Hay one, “Heal Your Body” … I read it decades ago and it’s time for another round. Thank you for the reminder Di!

    1. Hi Erica,

      Yes I was reminded to go and re-read it. I now have it out to glance at and also found another copy so it’s by my bed.

      I love to re-read or re glance at old books. I always “get” new distinctions. There are some books that I have studied and re studied and I still get more distinctions when I go to them…..

      Thankyou for your contribution Erica


  6. it’s so funny.. i never used to read. now that i do i can’t stop. and i do find myself remembering the things i read and saying it to others.

    1. Hi Regina,

      I used to be the same.

      I had almost never read a book when I met my husband, he is an avid reader.

      He always buys us all books for Christmas so our book case if full of great books that I treasure.

      Often I have 10 books on the go, physical ones and of course another lot on my Ipad to read

      Thankyou for visiting my blog post Regina


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You are what you read - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality