Values and how they take you where they need to take you

This week, I was in chaos.

You know what this looks like right?

You make a decision to do soemthing, then you go off and start to action that decision. In this case, I had decided to take a trip to the U.S. for three weeks.

Your Values will always take you where they need to take you.

I had put a hold on some accomodation, had flight quotes coming in, had asked my cousins if they were going to be around  the week I was planning to be in their city. I went to click in  to pay for a conference I really wanted to attend.


What’s this?

I didnt click in and pay…. What the!!!!!!!

Two days I walked around that pay button. 

It wasnt until I STOPPED and asked myself… “WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME?”

Of course once I gave myself the space to get the answer I was clear.

The last time we went away, Chilli, my 15 year old Maltese Poodle fretted, was anxious and didnt eat for the week or so. I came home to my best friend not able to stand by herself, the soul in her eyes was gone and she was skin and bone!

Now two months later she is up and running, barking, back to her old bossy self.

Her health and our friendship was much more important than this trip and this conference to me.  I had to come to the realization that this is NOT the time to leave her, even though I have a good support system for her, its not enough at this stage of her life and I need to respect that for her and for me.

I’m sure you have had this happen many times.  I tell a story in this video, about how in one of the courses that I use to build all our buisnesses, if we are not clear on whats really of value to us we can be in chaos, procrastination, time wasting whatever you want to call it.

Trust you gained something from my story and I’d love to hear your recent story of when you found yourself in a similar situation

If you want to call me and ask specific questions here you go:  +610403046136

or skype me on: didownie or facebook me

Have the best day
See where I travel
PS   Did you watch “The Secret”?  and were you inspired?.. check this app out!
I even have some great shots on Pinterest
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Values and how they take you where they need to take you - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality