Share your wins


Do you share your wins?

Isn’t it  just so AWESOME when we have wins in our lives.

Personal wins, community wins, global wins!

For me, to have a personal win I feel proud of myself that I was clear and had the tenacity to go for what I believe in.

To share our wins is so powerful!

When its a community and global win I feel proud to be part of a community who works together towards a vision then follows through to the end, together, to that WIN!

As most of you know I swim at the beach everyday, I walk to the beach with my doggies through a gorgeous park to get to the most gorgeous swimming spot on the planet.



share your wins
One foggy winters morning, not only connects me to our seasons, our park and our dogs connect us with people who we would not normally get to know


these white galahs ( cockies) are showing us how hot they are one summers day!
these white galahs ( cockies) are showing us how hot they are one summers day!


share your wins

This past week we, as a community, banned together to keep our beach open as a dog beach. We banned together through verbally sharing , we banned together through a petition, we banned together through social media, we banned together through emails.  So many ways to join people in a common purpose these days. We live in very exciting times don’t we?

Emails were sent to the Council, over 100 people attended the Council meeting last night to emphasise important points to keep our beach open not only for us locals, but also for anyone who values dogs, family and a iconic safe strong community.

share your wins

Being apart of a community that bans together, that assists each other when nay sayers come in and put a spanner in the works is not only empowering, it is living!.  Spanners, obstacles, problems can always be solved when we ban together  then to have and have a win is more than empowering!


What win have you been involved in lately and what do you feel when you are apart of a win.

Share your wins here and be apart of our community.  Only then do we all win together!

And that is living , that is lifestyle!

Remember to comment, be apart of sharing and adding your wins!

Have a great day!


Your enjoy day!

Here I am with Joops and Chilli ( in the foreground)
Here I am with Joops and Chilli ( in the foreground)









I have put my link in this week to share with you how I create my lifestyle part time.  Yep Part time! I follow this system  AND yes there are “hypey” testimonials,  at the beginning of Adams presentation….. stick around… and watch it.  It is working for me PLUS giving me more channels for adding value to more people in a larger community!

Share your Wins here in the comments.

Here is my link again to take through to Adams presentation


0 thoughts on “Share your wins”

  1. Well done to the dog owners – dogs are responsible for people in communities getting to know each other and so forming strong friendships – its hard not to get to know someone while your dogs roll around and play together everyday.
    Great story Di

    1. HI Rob,

      Yep I thought a good win is worth sharing hey.

      The number of gorgeous people I have met are far too many to mention and many I look forward to seeing weekly as our dogs play. This is not only building community but also makes our parks and beaches safe and fun places to be
      Thanks Rob

  2. It is said that if we don’t acknowledge our wins, our subconcious doesn’t give us any more so I always like to acknowledge mine….. Today I acknowledge myself for:
    Cleaning up my outstanding emails
    Sending all my cards off for November birthdays
    Getting my newsletter out before time
    Finalising all my venues for an Australian tour of an amazing practitioner I am bringing in next year.
    Not beating myself up when I didn’t do something right!
    Yeah to today
    Thanks Di for the reminder

  3. Well done Di. Great to see people uniting for such a worthy cause. Walter, our cocker spaniel loves swimming at the beach and I’d be so disappointed if they closed the Warnbro dog beach. And yes it is very important to share our wins. Everyone loves an uplifting story.

    1. Hi Kerry,

      Yes when people ban together with one vision magic happens,the naysayers disappear the vision becomes reality. Very powerful!

      Everyone in our park and beach that i have spoken with have been been blown away with the power of social media in this instance. It was social media that made this WIN a BIG WIN so quick!

  4. Hi Di,

    Congratulations on that win. Wow that has been a dog beach for as long as I can remember so would be so sad to have lost it. As Rob said dogs to connect us with people. When we moved to Noosa it was our beagle that helped us meet new people.

    I used to be very bad at acknowledging my wins. I was great at giving others praise but not me. Working with Blair Singer helped me with it and I got to see how I was not celebrating my wins.

    A great post thanks Di.


    1. HI Sue,

      To have that dog beach, for me, is a blessing everyday.

      I think the thing for me from of this story is how fast social media pulled together. WE had two days, thousands of people emailed and signed the petition. Unprecedented number of turned up at the Council Offices to make sure they got reality of how strong people think dogs are a large part of our community.

      Huge win for us all and we are all still celebrating…. I walked the park this morning with someone joking how awesome the whole event was.

      Thanks for visiting Sue

      Have a great weekend


  5. Congratulations on your win Di!

    I live by the Southern Maine beaches and there are strict restrictions for dogs. They can be on the beach after 6 pm and then anytime from the Autumn until May. I just love to see them running around and jumping into the water. Well, I’m a dog person and rather be with them than people lol.

    I think it is fantastic that you have won this. People do need to get involved in their communities and petition for a good lifestyle.

    Once we have a passionate cause, social media can play a huge role in it. Only goes to prove that Social media is strong and healthy!

    Congratulations once again!


    1. Hi Donna,

      So Many good outcomes come from dogs and people walking and playing with them in public. Safety, a sense of community, life long friend ships are built, the list could go on.

      I relate to you Donna, I just love being around my dogs and my dog community. There are no expectations or judgement of any kind.. just chit chat or often watching a bunch of dogs playing. The energy is always relaxed and Id go as far as to say slow.

      Then there is the paradox happening in Social Media, the work horse of our society seemingly….. nowadays. We got that petition out and signed by 1000 in about 2 days, people wrote emails. shares were happening on Facebook…. Amazing…… the work spread like wild fires.

      Yep when people join together for the same vision and passion magic happens

      Thankyou for contributing Donna you always add good value. I appreciate you!


  6. Hi Di,

    In our life many ups and downs come but when it comes to success or any wins then people like to share it with others.
    As we all know that most of people say that happiness should be shared so spread it with others too.
    You have added some great images here.
    Thanks for sharing this article with us.
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend.:)

    1. Gosh so so sorry Ravi to take so long to reply to you.

      I really appreciate you and your time.

      I figured this was a good uplifting story to share, especially for us, who are often so busy implementing blogging techniques and teaching people how to blog and create a vibrant community.

      Thankyou Ravi and trust you are having a great week


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share your wins