Advance Style will change your perception on living

Last night Rob and I went to a very cool movie out of the United Kingdom. Advanced Style.

Advanced Style will change your perception on living.

If you do nothing else, watch the You Tube Video, then get yourself to the Movie/Documentary Advanced Style!


Advanced Style speaks to our individuality our passions our love for living. Inspired by a young man, his blog and his relationship with his grandmothers!

It is the type of movie you want to have with a glass of champagne with and share the great lines and the reality of it with your best friend.

Love to hear your comments, especially if you get to see the documentary.

Love to hear your comments always…  Comment below to add to our community!

Have a great day and take some time out to check out that trailer.


Here I am with Joops and Chilli ( in the foreground)
Here I am with Joops and Chilli ( in the foreground)



If you want to know what Im doing or how I’m doing it, online, shoot me an email:

at:  Its super fun!!!!! as you can see!


or text me : +61403046136


0 thoughts on “Advance Style will change your perception on living”

  1. Classic ladies, what an inspiring outlook they have. I’m finding other women as we age have less inhibitions and our view on life is “hey, who cares-where old and we can now be who we want to be and do what we want to do” …. Go for it gals

    1. Hi Pam,

      Yep don’t you just love it that as we age we have less inhibitions and our view of life is who cares.

      This doco was that and more, with a sense of you can be whoever you want to be, when you want, with a supersize of live life to the full.

      The way the camera and director caught these ladies stories and their personalities really spoke to me and Im sure it would to you Pam. Plus sooo many funny lines in it

      really appreciate your time for swinging by and adding to my blog Pam!

      have a great day


  2. I love those women – at their age they are unbelievable…… Such pizzaz. We all need to feel comfortable enough in our skin to be who we are, wear what we want, be who we really are and love every second of our days, to the best of our ability. Thanks Di, I will go see the movie.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Yep to love every second of our days is the way to go hey Diane?

      This young man didn’t even know what he was doing, but when he started asking women of all ages could he take their photo and he told them that they look gorgeous he could not keep up with his clicking finger on his camera button.

      This Documentary is one that Im going to download and watch just for giggles and a reminder.

      I also want to go and watch it again in the theatre. Im sure there was A LOT I missed as I was soooo intrigued with the personalities

      Thankyou once again Diane for coming over and adding to our community here!

  3. Hi Downie,

    For sure advance style will change your perception on living.
    Most of people live their life with their regular routine which is somehow we call boring life.
    They should go for having fun around with their friends and family. Living your life with the same thoughts is not changing anything.
    I am glad that you have focused at this point.

    Hope you are having fun today.:)


    1. Hi Ravi,

      Thankyou for taking the time to stroll over and comment on my blog and add to our comments here.
      I agree most people live their life in their regular routine and then complain or say something, but don’t ADD to peoples everyday living.
      Don’t you think it’s so very enriching to be always learning, looking and adding to everyone, even if its a smile.
      Those women in that movie sure do that, every second of every day
      have a great week Ravi.

  4. Hi Di,

    I love the video. I have always loved clothes but since living in Noosa I have become way more casual. And working from home ads to it. Not sure I am going to dress like these women but I do think to dress up makes us feel better. Some of them were amazing.

    Great share Di.


    1. Hi Sue,

      I loved the movie, loved the women and especially loved how it came about, with a young man and his relationship with his grandmothers.

      Even though I work from home now, I make an effort with something everyday, either a piece of jewellery, a skirt, a nice top, makeup. Otherwise I could be in my bathers or a track suit all day and all night..LOL!!!!!

      I thought this review and video was a great “light” share to anyone who wants to take time out of our busy thinking and doing schedules, even if they don’t or can’t get to see the movie!

      Thanks for dropping by Sue

  5. Hey Di,

    I applaud them for being who they are whether people like it or not. I say go for it; age is just a number afterall.

    Thanks for sharing this video and I’ve not heard of the movie of course. I think it would be great though.

    Hope you’re enjoying your week.


    1. Hey Adrienne,

      Isn’t it wonderful to see people expressing how they really are no matter what age they are and yes is only number after all.

      This movie, for me, was a breath of fresh air with the streets on New York, the story behind the movie and the stories of each of the women. Yes it was about fashion, but for me it was really about expressing ourselves and really living a life. WE can get caught up in the everyday busyness and thinking of day to day living.

      Thanks for coming on over and adding to our community Adrienne

  6. Hi Di,
    First This is a great post , i a first time visit your website and my first comments on your blog post , great work , good job i like it ,I love the video. I have always loved clothes but since living in Noosa I have become way more casual. And working from home ads to it. Not sure I am going to dress like these women but I do think to dress up makes us feel better. Some of them were amazing. Good Stuff Thanks a lot or sharing me kepe it up ,


  7. Omg, that is fabulous! It nice to know that people don’t lose their sense of style and creative as they age. They look like they’re having a great time with it.

    I love when the one lady says it makes her feel good to be better dressed than other people. That’s funny but honestly looking good equates to feeling good.

    1. Hello Lea,

      Yep… I felt that this movie shows to people, no matter what their age, how attitude shapes our comments, our sparkle in our eye, our ability to step out be who we are in the true sense of it.

      I love your comment Lea, ” looking good equates to feeling good”.

      People who think they look have that perzazz about them hey????

      Thankyou Lea for taking the time to add to our community . Don’t yu’ just love the blogging community?


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Advance Style will change your perception on living