bali travel blog

Yesterday we left the hotel at 4.30am with Rai, our driver. Thanks Kate for his name and number – great guy, loves what he does!!!!!!

I wrote a post on the changes of the 21st Century the other day. This sunrise, below, was not only speccy it was a perfect backdrop for us of  how many things are changing on our planet.

So why not create a Bali Travel Blog!

This sepccy sunrise was a backdrop for another ritual about to be affected by the changes that are happening everywhere!

For many of us reading this blog we are already in the change or are a little left behind a little but we can mostly see that we all need to make the changes to ourselves.

In Bali many types of farming is rapidly disappearing with the some fishing villages now tourist villages. Rai was telling us that Levine was once one of the main fishing villages on Bali. The traditional fishermen were diverting the dolphins in years gone by to keep them from eating the fish. Now those same fishermen feed the dolphins to encourage them to come in for the tourists to see.

Klung Kung, a area of Bali, has many traditional villages in it still operating as they have for many years with the manual loading of supplies for neigbouring islands. This sunrise was the spectacular backdrop of a morning boat loading ritual with items like gas, rice, building materials, chickens, ducks, eggs, bunches of fresh spinach all bound for the neighbouring island .

Not only does the boat need to be loaded, it first needs to be pulled on to shore ready for the loading expedition.

We could not help thinking, how much longer will this go on for…. How long before one front end loader and one driver will take over from all these mens manual work.

loading boat with rice
How much longer will this go on, before one man and a front end loader takes over. I wonder if some of these men are skilling themselves in other areas.

The jobs that are here now will not be here in twenty years. The first time I heard this concept was in a Robert Kiosaki seminar over 20 years ago. How true and relevant this is now, seemingly more so than 20 years ago.
If the acceleration of change continues as it has done for the past five years, jobs that some of us are in now will not be  here in 5 years.

A friend sent me this link this morning. I thought it appropriate for yet another type of change for our planet, Not one relating to manual labour at all, one relating to how we carry out our day how the way carry out our day affects other people carrying our their day.  Its well worth the 6 minute watch  Mark Bertolini sharing his rituals and in his corporate environment to affect his leaders and their teams on a daily level with Yoga and mindfulness.

Bali Travel Blog

The changes are here and mostly we love them and I believe that we do have to keep up with them as 
they will happen with or without us. It will be the ones that keep taking little steps every day, or so, to self educate that will find the changed lifestyle easier! How many of us find a good laugh 
over the internet nowadays with videos shared over facebook. Diane shared this video over Facebook …. Again another way our everyday living is being affected. Not only technology is shaping us all but also the mixing of our cultures are now at last sharing and being intergrated into our lives. If we choose to of course!  Some of us are given the choice to change and some of us are having to get 
reskilled as fast as possible to keep up and get into a new mode of living.

In the Empower business I am involved in, the trainings are always talking about read and listen to something new everyday….. It is not only necessary but it is beginning of a new lifestyle, one that the changes are bringing.  This message is also very strong is the shopping c0-op I use to buy my normal everyday stuff. This way of shopping  is changing the planet for less fortunate kids and small businesses around the world also for people like me who can work and shop from anywhere and earn.  Just another way of how our lifestyles are changing.

If you enjoyed this article please show your appreciation by making a comment and liking it on Facebook.

BTW!!!!!  I love taking photos  I took these with my Nikon D700 mostly on a tripod.  I always travel with my tripod my bathers, hat and goggles!

Here is a great shot of one of the few rice fields lift in comparison to 5 yeas ago!

Balinese are starting to believe that it is now important to have their children speak English. These farming families I’m sure are positioning there children for the future


Fun shot of moving boats in Sanur
Fun shot of moving boats in Sanur

Have a great day








If you are serious about making changes and getting into a new lifestyle, come  on over and join me!!!!

The shopping co-op is a no brainer, its just shopping and getting cash back!

Empower is for people who are serious about being truly free.






0 thoughts on “bali travel blog”

  1. There is only one constant in my life and it is CHANGE. As a species of humans we are changing from the inside out. I have tracked my change for 14 years from images that I don’t see. Others whose sight has attributes mine doesn’t, draw for me that is occurring within me. My body is like a computer whose DNA doesn’t require an external prompt to roll out each new program. As this occurs world wide, millions of us will press the unseen RESET button and what we have inside us will be collectively seen. The Balinese are in preparation too. Di you have shown us that with this blog.

    1. Hi Helen,

      The reset button has certainly been pressed for of us and the Balinese people are no different Helen and Im sure it happening in many many pleas on the planet. The phrase, change is one constant, is still a concept that many of us find difficult to handle with our needs for security. The Balinese people, in general, live and accept that change as part of their tradition and lifestyle. Truelly exciting Helen, especially for someone like me who has someone like you in my life who is a true inspiration in demonstration constant change!

  2. Bali is our second home as we teach Tantra there twice a year and yes, the changes in the 25 years that we have been going there are phenomenal and scary….. rice paddies gone, little markets going, glass fronted shop coming. The traditional market of Ubud is no longer the amazing messy cachophony of madness it used to be and one shop owner told me she feels it has lost its appearl. Change is happening and fast and we need to hang on because the train has taken off from the station (years ago in fact) and we are just waking up to that fact. Beautiful pictures Di, thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Diane and yes the train did left many many years ago and it is now full steam ahead with momentum and waking up loos soooo different to say many different cultures and it is happening if we like it to not. What Bali showed to me this trip is with equality acceptance and sharing the lifestyle is easily intergrated. The balinese people are demonstrating it here integrating the western lifestyle whilst being very proud of their own daily traditions.
      Thanks for coming over Diane

  3. I am jealous and green with envy. Love Bali, love the water, love the boats and here’s to the massive changes the world is going to see more and more of.

  4. Hi Di

    I did not know you were in Bali. Wow you certainly are moving around and enjoying life.

    I first went to Bali in 1976. It was very primitive back then with only a couple of major hotels. When I lived in Perth we went there most years at least once until we left in 1996. Since then I have only visited once in 2000 so a long time back now.

    At least you can do internet there now I remember when it was difficult to even call from the major resorts by phone. Everything changes and I do love it as well.

    Great pictures Di thanks for sharing them.


    1. Hi Sue,

      Yes Bali sure has changed over the years from very primitive to now , in some parts, very sophisticated. Internet can mostly be relied upon and many many people rely on mobile phones. Like in Africa, the people have a mobile phone over a motorbike.
      The changes in the culture is evident with the importance of education being a priority and seemingly their religion rituals are still a large part of their life and expenses. We could all take a a few lessons from their “treat others like I want to be tread” attitude, which is very evident on the roads.
      The changes are very exciting.


  5. Hi Di,

    I’ve never been to Bali but it’s one place I plan on going in the near future. My nephew visits often though. I’m sure you’re definitely enjoying your stay there as well.

    Like everything else, change is inevitable. Of course as we all move forward in life we would hope that it would be for the better and never the opposite.

    I appreciate you sharing this with us and the pictures are really amazing.

    Have a wonderful stay and enjoy your weekend.


    1. Hi Adrienne,

      Had a great time in Bali and seeing the changes so evident in a place like Bali I just had to make a further comment to my previous “stats” blog. AND … yes love my photography. I couldn’t believe there more places I hadn’t seen after many many times in Bali.

      Have a great weekend Adrienne yu’self


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