Unity 2016 (The Australia Chapter):Weaving the Thread of Togetherness

I always wonder what greatness we can bring in our lives ‘being human’, and more importantly, how we can bring it. Where does it comes from- is it to our professional success or does it lay in our personal accomplishment and living from our values?

What matters more- our individual health or the collective wellbeing of the society?

I think they all are interconnected!

For instance, if you are a happy person, only then you can make the world a happy place. If you care about your individual health, only then you can change the overall wellbeing of the society. A happy beginning starts with the consensus for co-operation.

We inherit our social wellbeing from the virtues of UNITY.


Quite recently on October 2016, Australia invited the first ever Unity Event which was a great success here in Australia in Adelaide. ‘Unity 2016’ is compelled with the idea to bring people together and end divisiveness and negativity all around us. I just loved the idea of the Unity Project. It is nothing but a wonderful example of facilitating people’s self awareness, by off course bringing them together from all around the world. As a She’preneur, I personally loved this idea because it went absolutely smooth with my concept of managing the team and business. Entrepreneurs innately know that they have to have a team and a system to be successful and deliver their services and products effectively. Projects like Unity, wake people up to their own values and to what matters to them. Projects like Unity is creating self-thinking and awareness of feelings which I believe is are necessities for business and personal success.

What Unity Symbolizes:

Unity celebrates the idea of togetherness through a circular arrangement of 32 poles. As you can see in the video, each of the poles has a label which is called ‘an identifier’. For instance, a pole might say, “I am a parent”, other might be, “I speak English as a second language”, then there is this, “I am a survivor” label and so on. Each participant is given a yarn to participate, as in to tie the yarn to each pole with which the person identifies. As soon as people start with the process of identifying poles and tying ropes, they form a canopy of interconnectedness. As more people participate, they feel more connected to each other and themselves. The best part of the Unity Project is that it celebrates the uniqueness of individuals and raises awareness.

Quick Facts about Australia’s first Unity Project:

  • Nancy Belmont from the United States started the Unity Project as a global movement. She is the CEO and Chief Inspiration Officer at Vessence Corporation.

  • With projects launched and global downloads of the unity manual in over 20 countries, Unity came up as a global movement in the making.

  • On 23th October, we brought the concept of Unity in Australia for the first time.

  • Unity is traditionally designed to end the decisiveness and negativity that we seek all around us.

  • The 32 poles having identifiers initiate a journey of self-actualization. It strengthens the feel of togetherness in the participant.

Being a women entrepreneur, a She’preneur, I have learned a simple lesson in my life. It says, “If you want to prosper your individual health, contribute something to the global community to make a BIG difference”. Make this world a better place to live, empower people, grow your community, learn ways to encourage idea sharing, and win hearts. Life is not a quick sprint- it is rather a relay marathon where you run along with your people. You have your long-term goals in hand and you need to be empathic towards everyone in the process. Life is not about finishing the race and reaching the target end quickly. It is to walk together with your people… hand in hand…faith in faith!

Understanding the Art of Community Activities:

We all live a busy life… a typical ‘hush-hush’ kind and yes, it is hard to find time here! Being busy or rather ‘too occupied’ within our own happiness circle, we often give less time to our community members, family and even friends. Participating in voluntary community activities is a great way of contributing your bit to the wider benefit of the society. It is helpful in reducing stress, combat depression and it stimulates mental fitness. Participating in such activites provides a sense of purpose in living. And what about the experience that you get in hand! It is simply amazing and out of this world.

Projects like Unity help community members with their mental and physical health. It is a great way of boosting personal networking and understanding what empathy is. When you sail in a boat that is filled with people who take like as it is and are life long learners, then definitely you are on the right track. Voluntary community activities bring the happiness effect. It is a feel good factor that rises when you kindle happiness with a sense of togetherness. In fact, there are a couple of other benefits that the activity brings in:

  1. It makes you feel connected. “I am not the only one in the whole world who is facing this”- you might wonder this!

  1. It is not just a physical task of taking the woolen yarn and linking it to the poles. Unity Project binds your mind and soul that helps you in attaining a systematic balance in life.

  1. Inner peace is a long time gift that such community activities bring.

  1. Have you ever felt “fulfilled” after participating in a fun task?

  1. Great networking opportunities and access to quick information and resources

  1. Personal recognition and enhancement of skills

  1. Inculcates a deep sense of contribution and helpfulness

What is the most amazing thing about the Unity Project?

I think Unity is just not a project- much more than that, it is a global message that you can spread to the widest corners of the world. Bringing and building Unity in your community is easy and all you need to do is to sign up in the community to receive manual and guidance tips.

Don’t you think we should encourage more such events in our surrounding communities? I wonder how beautiful the world will become once we all start encouraging the conscience of mutual sharing, love and understanding.

Would love to hear your views about the Unity Project or similar project- share your perspective in the comment box.

Big HUG from Australia


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0 thoughts on “Unity 2016 (The Australia Chapter):Weaving the Thread of Togetherness”

  1. Great content Di, I love the idea of the Unity project, I think we need this as a means of combatting all the negativity in the World and Unifying people. We all need to add to the Wellbeing of the World. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks so much Di for putting that out there. If we all came together in Unity we could create a different world but I believe we have to “be” it in our cells first. Think peace and unity, feel peace and unity, be peace and unity. You do such a great job, blessings at this time of year and always,

    1. It is a beautiful article and a beautiful and worthy project Diane.

      thank you for sharing this video with me and asking me to share it.

      Also thank you for your work and your support that you give to so many people
      every single day for the purpose of unity

      with love


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Unity 2016 (The Australia Chapter):Weaving the Thread of Togetherness - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality