The Goodness of Liposomal Vitamin C: Recipe and Benefits

I am a passionate learner (YAAYY.. I thank every bit of it). Having spent my recent 2 years with my endless quest for traveling, I feel accomplished in so many ways. I remember a recent episode from my traveling dairies that brought me to Texas where I met my friend Betty. Beautiful Betty and her gorgeous hospitality introduced me to some great food and health drinks. I thank Betty from the bottom of my heart for loving, caring and supporting me in several ways. But before all the love hugs and thankfullness, I wish to acknowledge Betty for sharing one of the most fabulous recipes from her collection with me. Liposomal Vitamin C was one such wonder delight that I learned as a healthy gift from my amazing friend.

Today, I want my lovely readers to do their own research on Liposomal Vitamin C and this is because it’s a very healthy decision and choice. We all need to take some healthy food decisions in our respective lives and it’s all in you. I have a quick philosophy here:

“If you are going to plan and collect good food for your family in your fridge, cupboards and kitchen, then they will certainly eat good food. Do you know what the best thing here is? The best is when you can even prepare your own food simply and fast if we need it doe fast and with choices”.

Grow a little bit of your food to take the maximum advantage of good eating. I am sure you will gain the best knowledge about Liposomal Vitamin Cjust as my family, friends and I have done.

I’m sure you are here because one of your values is your own health. I’m sure you are here because you are a life long learner… so learn some more and enjoy!

Liposomal Vitamin C:
Liposomal Vitamin C is one staple food that I have in my house all the time. Do you know with Liposomal Vitamin C, we can absorb up to 93% than the normal Vitamin C?

  • Liposomal Vitamin C is about 6-8 times more powerful than the IV equivalent.
  • Just one oz. of solution= 5 to 7 grams of IV Vitamin C
  • There is 1.25 grams per oz. which is 30 grams in 24 oz. The solution is 70% more efficient which makes it .9 grams per oz.

Well well well!!! My job here is to tell you how to prepare Liposomal Vitamin C and I am going to do it. I know you will do the research part on your own.


What are the items that you need for the recipe?


· Isonic Model P4820 Ultra Sonic Cleaner or I Ordered mine from the internet in Australia:  Ultrasonic Cleaner Model 1 : UC – S2000H ( 2 litres) or buy a machine that is equivalent in your country.  This is basically a sound machine that normally cleans Jewellery.

  • Ascorbic acid crystals – any brand where 1/4 tsp. = 1250 mg

· Soy (or Sunflower) Lecithin Granules Non GMO – Bluebonnet brand ( in the Unites States and Lotus Brand in Australia)

· Purified water ( I prefer rainwater or spring water)

· Blender, stick blender, NutriBullet type (Stick blender-use 200 Watt setting) I use my Theromix.

· Spatula

2 litre bottle for storing your Liposomal Vit C in for the fridge.

How to Make Liposomal Vitamin C- The Recipe!
I have divided the recipe into 5 quick steps that you can use.

STEP 1: Take a big container and dissolve 2 tablespoon ascorbic acid in 1 cups water (good fresh water as in rainwater or spring water). Stir the solution until dissolved. I use in  Australia the brand, Melrose, which is .

STEP 2:Take another container, put 6 and a 1/2 Tablespoon lecithin granules in 2 cups of spring water.. Keep the solution aside for at least two hours.
I prefer doing step one and two in the morning so that I give enough time for the lecithin to soak.

STEP 3: Add ascorbic acid water to lecithin water and blend it for a few seconds to mix together.

STEP 4: Pour the mixture into Ultra Sonic cleaner. Turn cleaner on and with spatula move the liquid back and forth continuously in the Ultra Sonic cleaner for 8 minutes. Turn machine off and decant.

STEP 5: Store the solution in the glass. Unlike the Water Kefir that we prepared last week, the solution is not fizzy.  Keep your drink in the fridge it will be good for about a month. Drink the solution cold.

EXTRA TIP:  If Liposomal Vitamin C really tastes bitter or it creates a strangle sensation on your tongue, then it might indicate the need of Vitamin C in your body.

I personally prefer taking Liposomal Vitamin C to increase my energy. I know it is increasing my immune system, do your own research. I take it when I feel I am a bit run down, I am not absorbing my food well, I am in a rush, I am stressed, etc.- so all this prompts me to take Liposomal Vitamin C for at least 3-4 times in a day.

Health is seen in many ways. Liposomal Vitamin C is a choice , just like riding your bike, growing some food and generally being aware of what you put into your body.


I’m sure you are a person who thrives on healthy thoughts and ideas. For me, it is a value-based decision, family is one of my values as is freedom. Healthy thoughts will facilitate a healthy body and healthy food increases our health even more.I also take it as my responsibility to share this wonder delight with my wider audiences. So if just an ounce of Liposomal Vitamin C everyday can keep us healthy and active, then why not give it the time it deserves with a three month experiment? I am sure it will do wonders for you!

Have you ever tried making Liposomal Vitamin C at home? What are your thoughts about it? Can’t wait to hear them- please don’t forget to share your comments. I love discussing things!
Have an AWESOME Day!


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0 thoughts on “The Goodness of Liposomal Vitamin C: Recipe and Benefits”

  1. Loved this simple explanation Di. Very cool. I am onto it. Makes sense to eat and drink the best we can so yet another thing to add to the list! Thanks so much.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Thank you Diane and thank you for the messages on how to improve the instructions.

      Enjoy making it and drinking it and especially your health benefiting from the mix


  2. Diane,

    Great article and learned a lot of valuable information about Vitamin C. You are very knowledgeable in this field and I love reading and commenting on you articles. I myself try to take vitamins cbecuase of a potassium Loss that I have had for three year with no apparent reason.

    Thank You,
    Lori Englsih

    1. Hello Vanessa,

      This is not a different type of Vitamin C.

      Liposomal Vic C is a way of encapsulating the Vit C (Ascorbic Acid) so it can be actually absorbed into the lower intestine rather than just being peed straight out, like most of our intake of Vit C.

      It well worth making it for a strong immune system

      Thankyou Vanessa


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The Goodness of Liposomal Vitamin C: Recipe and Benefits - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality