How to Develop an Idea: 3 Idea Tips That You Need To Know Today

The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas- Linus Pauling

Do you know how an idea is developed? Let’s hear it to Steve Jobs and his concept of idea development. The famous business tycoon has linked creativity with ideas, calling it a synthesis of life experiences and ideas. However, many of us mistake creativity as something inborn to creative people. It is not the case- you can create your creativity and in fact, anyone can become creative if they spend a reasonable amount of their time in listening to their ideas. Clarity in thoughts, proactivity in action,keen observational skills and discipline in life- this is all that you need to sustain your ideas! So before starting the discussion, let’s first know what an idea is!

According to Wikipedia, an idea is a visual construction of mental representations. In a popular sense, an idea arises in a reflexive, spontaneous manner, even without thinking or serious reflection, for example, when we talk about the idea of a person or a place. A new or original idea can often lead to innovation.

We all have that ‘tiny window’ in our brain from where we put ideas into motion…but many of us underestimate this creative space. Being an entrepreneur and creative ‘idea diva’ of 7 successful business ventures, I have found the best of my ideas through embracing the power of this ‘tiny window’. And it works great! It works great for those who are able to form a ‘consistent’ structure of their ideas and who know that there is this capability in me to work on these ideas. This is the belief that will take you far…right from the ground to the horizon of success!

So how can I develop my ideas? Well, I have three tips for you today.

Tip 1: Exercise consistently for the Idea Muscles:

It is very important for all of us to think of the part of our brain that has ideas as a muscle. Just like the other muscles of the body, the idea muscles need daily routines of exercise. So if you walk for a healthy heart, you run to get rid of the belly fat, you pump the iron hard to have strong muscles, or you do yoga for the peace of mind then similarly, you need to have an exercising routine for your ideas muscles.

Do this small idea generation exercise once in a while to allow your mind breath fresh. You can make some of the best value based decisions this way!
1.  Choose a place, crowded or secluded as per your choice.
2.  Take a slow 3600 round and observe maximum things around you.
3.  As soon as the round is completed, write down the major things that you can recall.
4.  Observe more, write more (even the minutest of details).

Tip 2: Catch your ideas:

Memory is a flirt… it can ditch you at any moment or time so it is better to have a strong hold of your ideas. Catch your ideas and keep them close to you because if you won’t catch them, they would easily go to someone else. Just like little babies or pets, these ideas will travel to people who will catch and take care of them.

So how am I going to catch my ideas? Mmmmm….wait, I have a solution for you!
1. Note down your ideas.
2. Write it down with pens and post it to your phone.
3. Keep them close to your eyes.
4. Give them respect.

Develop an idea

TIP 3: Foresee your idea with a vision:

It is necessary to link your idea with a vision…as in how you want to use your ideas. You need to ask yourself, how am I going to use this idea? Well, this could be a bit tricky also! Sometimes, you might have a vision in front of you and there is no idea at that very instance. At that moment, you need to ask yourself a question like “why do I see a vision” or another good question might be “what are the ideas that I have that will create this vision”?

It is also important to understand vision here. Most of the time in life, vision will come to you from two different perceptions- 1) a vision might be to benefit you and 2) the vision might be to benefit others. No matter which one is the case with your ideas, you first need to have a vision. I will give you a personal example here: for me, I went looking for ways that I could be free. I started to look on the internet and started to learn how to take advantage of the internet. I started to have ideas of how I could use the internet to my advantage and then I had ideas of how to share that with other people. My first vision was of Rob (my husband) riding his motorbike through France. I saw a vision that benefited myself, I was meeting him at the airport after I flew in to meet him in Nice , in the south of France. He had driven on his motorbike and I had flown in from Paris….

To sum it up:
1. Exercise consistently for the idea muscle
2. Catch your ideas and keep a close hold of them in other words take care of your ideas or they will go to someelse.
3. Link your ideas with a future vision.

And apart from this, my little extra tip for you is “Do not judge your ideas…or your visions. You need to trust your ideas…a little faith is necessary here. Most of the people these days don’t have time for their own ideas. They are so busy being busy that they are not allowing space for ideas, they are not solving their problems and certainly, they are not adding new ways of doing things or catching ideas. It is amazing to set up a system to catch your ideas to see how you use them in future.

I have always believed that life is about trusting your values and instinct. It is more about choosing your own path rather than just following others. Take the chance, make the change, find your happiness, create your inspiration and learn from the past. You will be a WINNER and nobody will be able to stop your success!

di downie

So this is how I turn my Ideas into a reality. I am living it, enjoying it and making the most of it.

Catch me on Facebook through my official page and you can even become a part of my Facebook group Join the Dots “Aussie Style” now.

Have an AWESOME Day!

By The Way I’m also on Pinterest


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How to Develop an Idea: 3 Idea Tips That You Need To Know Today - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality