8 tips to taking a better photo

Before you go hurtling into  

the 8 tips to taking a better photo


8 tips tips to a better photo



What do I want to use the photo for?

Why am I shooting this photo right now?


Who is going to enjoy this photo?


Here you go:     8 tips to a better photo

I explain the 8 Tips in this video for you:



Rule of Thirds

8 tips to a better photo


Balance and Lead the eye I use often in the same shot

8 tips to a better photo


Shoot from a viewpoint

8 tips to a better photo



Plain background or silhouette

8 tips to a better photo


Depth of Field


8 tips to a better photo


Frame and balance

8 tips to a better photo



8 tips to a better photo



8 tips to a better photo

Do you have other tips you can add to these 8 Tips to a better photo?

…if so,  add to the blog in the comments.


How do you use your photographs that you take on your phone?


Have the best day

Have the best day ever!
Have the best day ever!

0 thoughts on “8 tips to taking a better photo”

    1. Awesome Stephanie…. it’s always about timing hey

      love to see some of your shots and how you were able to use some of these tips

      Enjoy taking your photos today Stephanie


    1. Hi Diana,

      I think a a good photos says so much to the viewer especially on social media.

      I trust you are able to use at least one tip from this blog.

      Thankyou for your time Diana


    1. Hi Helen,

      Makes no difference what you use to take the photo

      You really will notice a difference in your photos if you can take some of those tips

      It is about the composition that makes a photo

      Enjoy your photography


    1. Hi Julie,

      I trust these tips help you to take photos for what you want to use the photo for. They are normal photographic tips that professional photographers use.

      Thankyou for coming over to add your comment, your comment adds value to our conversation


  1. Thanks Di. It is something you can think about or not! These days we are so lucky that we can just delete anything we don’t like, so working out why something is good or pleasing on the eye between two similar photos I find very interesting. Like the ladies in red!

    1. Hi Louisa,

      Isn’t it awesome that we can just delete what we don’t want and keep what we want, put photos into the cloud, print them.

      I also love that people from all ages, gender, culture now take photos on iphones, ipads, snappies, go pro and the expensive SLR cameras.

      Trust these professional tips may come in handy at some point in time

      Yes Those ladies in red are very gorgeous

      Thankyou for coming over and adding to our conversation Louisa


    1. Hello David,

      Yes I love to learn new stuff about photography, I hope these were a reminder or simply cool tips for you to use when
      you are out and about

      Thankyou for taking the time to comments in our conversation here

    1. Hi Stephen,

      Thankyou for coming over and commenting and for your compliment.

      My next blog will be more geared towards tips for social media photos



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8 tips to a better photo