3 Steps To Find Out What Is Important To You

3 steps to find out what is important to you

The web of life can be very fullfilling once we live from what we value
The web of life can be very fullfilling once we live from what we value


The words passion, freedom, vision, purpose, (the list goes on) are bantered around in the new age personal development arena, the leadership and even parental courses.


What do these bantered words really mean to us?

What is important to you?

There are three steps to find out what is important to you. for many years I was a life coach, long before coaching was a industry like we know it now. Over that coaching time in my life a program was born. It evolved from my clients and seminars in the 80’s and 90’s.

I have summarised these steps as I believe we have more clarity and the ability to grasp concepts and personally change quickly and easily in 2015, compared to the 80’s and 90’s.

Doing what we love to do is so much fun!
Doing what we love to do is so much fun!

Check them out below!

  1. The first step is to take two minutes and write out what you are tolerating in your life right now.

    For example a toleration a might be:

    1.  Noisy Neighbours
    2. One of our family members always being angry
    3. Not always tithing money

    Someone in one of my courses wrote she tolerates ugly towels in the bathroom.

    Ask yourself if you can do anything about each toleration.  If you can do it, if you can’t LET IT GO and see what happens.

  2. Step number two is what do you need in your life.. NEED

    Often we don’t want to use the word need as we associate it with being needy.
    BUT if we are not getting what we need we will be tolerating something. A NEED is more a feeling and a noun.
    1.   To feel included might one of your needs
    2.   To be understood might be another personal need
    3.   One of my needs is to be clear, clear in my thinking
    4.   One of my clients wrote that security is one of her need
  3. you will see the sparkle
    you will see the sparkle
  4.   Once we orientate ourselves to having our needs meet by eliminating our tolerations we will automatically have our values operating.
  5. This third step is about whats important to you, what do you value in your life

    Values are more doing words they are words that you can almost see every day.

    1.   To be accomplishing
    2.  To be loved, this value is of course the basis of humans values
    3.  To be learning is a common one in this age compared to the 80’s and 90’s

    4.  To be connecting or to be accepting with people and ourselves is another common Value nowadays in comparison to the 80’s and 90’s.

    I will be creating a new product for the market for this process….

    Love to have your comments.

    What did you gain from this piece today or do you have anything to add to the piece?


    Have a great day


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0 thoughts on “3 Steps To Find Out What Is Important To You”

  1. Hi Di,

    Supremely awesome article you’ve got here.

    Many people have a way of pushing what is truly important in their lives and instead, managing things for a plethora of reasons – the most notorious being the fact of societal acceptance.

    However, what they always fail to understand is that, society embraces anyone who proves to it that it is wrong.

    Believe me.

    Akaahan Terungwa


    I have jumped on your list and will be eagerly awaiting your next product.

    1. Hello Akaahan

      Thankyou for such an awesome comment and I hear and feel your enthusiasm through your words.

      Our society has set us up to run around after our tails rather than facilitate why we are here. Many of us think we are here to work hard, be good, work hard and be an adult.

      It has taken me a long time to figure this out. Actually I figured it about 15 years ago after a health problem, BUT….. I went back into the chasing my tail syndrome and being a serious adult until I STOPPED and asked myself WHAT IS THIS ABOUT…. then I remembered that I had this figured out so I had better start using it and then start sharing it.

      I’m just at the beginning of my sharing phase

      Thankyou for contributing to my blog


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3 Steps To Find Out What Is Important To You - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality