3 Family Dynamics Tips That WILL Create More Family Fun

Who are the very people you take for granted?

Yep, its often our kids, our parents, our partner, our sisters and brothers.

Our Family!

These are the very people we don’t say thank you to or we don’t say “have a good day” to or say “I love you”!

  1. Who are you?

    For many years, I thought like my parents, not that there is anything wrong with that. BUT I was unaware of who I was thinking like.

    I never used to ask myself “is that MY thought”.

    Have you ever had anything come out of your mouth and it sounded like just like your Mum or Dad?

    I have!

    Many times!

    It wasn’t until my kids were in school and they started to bring home school comments that I knew I had to start looking at how I thought and how I reacted.

    The is my first tip here…. Ask yourself  “is this ME really saying this?”
    Or am I saying what I heard when I was a child. Part of this tip is to ask yourself : “am I saying this to my child because I need to be opposite to my parents?”

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  1. Surround yourself with people who will support you…really!

    Do the people around you really support you in being better?

    Do they really give you honest feed back? Or do they say things that you like to hear?

    Do you surround yourself with people who will not upset you EVER, because they are not courageous enough to really say what they see.

    We all like to hear nice things about ourselves and we all hate to hear stuff thats not so nice. Right!

    Little kids, unless they are throwing a tantrum, will only tell us nice things and big kids will often tell us things just to press our buttons.

    Real friends who have been around the traps i.e.: have had their own kids and lifes trials and tribulations are often the ones who can see outside of you. There are not many who have the strength to jeopardise the friendship and tell the truth and there are not many of us that will take a bit of feedback on the chin and decide if its for them or not.

    Tip two: Have a good look and really decide if you are around people who are unconditionally your friends and by the way, ask yourself “are you willing to set that up?”.

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  2. Life long learning

    The number of times I hear my friends say to me, “I’m too old to learn all that computer stuff”.

    Another goodie is; “I never have the time”

    If family members have this thinking “I’m too old” and “I never have time” its the beginning and the end of heightened communication and learning new ways of being and doing.

    The words that come out of our mouths are the thoughts we have and shows us how we feel. If we were to look or feel!

    Tip three: Ask yourself – ” DO I BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT I THINK”

    I was reminded of this tip when reading Simon Sineks book Start with Why! If you have not read it… Its a must for EVERYONE!

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Today is day two of a blogging challenge that I have entered.
Why would I do that?
My kids have been telling me for the past few years
“Share what you do Mum”
“Share how you do it Mum”Well …… I thinks it’s nothing.Like many of you reading this blog post we are going through life, and along the way make a ton of mistakes.I have made my life easier, I want others to have an easier and more graceful every day lifestyle.I didn’t teach my kids how to make it easy and how to live life gracefully.Its time I really started, and stopped fluffing around. Which is not my normal style, but in this case I have delaying what I need to do!One of my best and fun tools is this blogging platform.

It’s too easy!

And you know what????? Its fun!

Share what you know, share your passion, make it easier for yourself and your family!

If you have kids, they are watching!

From my view of living, so far, they will keep watching and learning and taking on what you do till the day you die. OR they will keep watching and rebelling against what you do until the day you die.

So be the best you can be!

Family dynamics is all about being the best we can be from who we really are!

Have the best day
family dynamics
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PS   Did you watch “The Secret”?  and were you inspired?.. check this app out!
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3 Family Dynamics Tips That WILL Create More Family Fun - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality