10 Life Lessons that Every Women Entrepreneur Wants to Share With You

Little girls with dreams become women with visions!

Believe in your dreams, live up to your ideas, fail often, forget quickly, learn fast, and grow faster because… Your dreams DO NOT have an expiry date. Take a deep breath, and RELAX!

I have often heard people saying that it is difficult for a woman to survive in a ‘Man’s World’, especially when you have a mind of your own and your ideas are too awesome to be true. But do you know what I believe? As a women entrepreneur, (a She’prenuer) a mom and a loving wife, I think the power to face difficulty with a BIG WINSOME SMILE is the core essence of human beings. After all, we survive here because we are the fittest of all. In a similar way, women survive here (both professionally and personally) not because they are lucky or blessed. They survive because they themselves ride their boats. They keep the steering of their lives in their control and yes- they inspire life like no one else does.

During the Brand IT TV experience, I found myself extremely fortunate to be one among the best set of women entrepreneurs in the coming times. While sipping coffees, sharing ideas, telling stories, bursting into laughter riots, and learning so many new things, I discovered the 10 finest life lessons that every she’preneur has in common. These are the lessons that come from women, for women. So here you go- read them and explore the wisdom.

  1. Be a woman with a VOICE… show your STRENGTH

It is very important for a person to have an opinion, and much more than that, it is important to have the courage to voice your opinion. You have to have the zeal to stand true to your words and instinct because it is what will take you far. The strength of a woman not just lies on her ideas; it also depends on her ability to voice them and to clearly voice them.

  1. A healthy lifestyle is a human’s birthright:

Get this fact clear- if you have big dreams, you won’t be able to fulfill them with an ill-fitted unhealthy lifestyle. Never let an unhealthy lifestyle become the constraint in your success spree. You need to plan good food to eat good food and that takes education, so never compromise your food or your education. Stay fit and fine. I personally feel that a healthy lifestyle is a very integral part of my success. I have shared some of my best healthy recipes (like how to make Water Kefir) to support my idea of healthy living.

  1. Feminism is not equality.

Have respect for all genders and living sources (be it plants or animals). Be assertive in your commands but never mistake it with feminism. This is how you will attain a balance in life- a balance where both men and women will be equally respected, coming from authenticity.

  1. Women are not all about GOSSIP.

There is nothing stereotypical about being a woman, especially when you self facilitate a professional and creative flair with your ideas and productivity. I wish to quote Eleanor Roosevelt here-

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”

  1. Success is in SERVICE… it is much more than MONEY.

Service is selfless and it is not just a moneymaking business. It is crucial for the mankind, for the air we breathe and for the generation that follows. Service is a cause!

  1. Being self sufficient is a necessity

You know what makes a woman confident? Well, I think it comes from being self-sufficient. As a multitasker, you can assist your children and friends with independence with no co- dependency. Learn to take care of yourself, being a role model to your children and friends. Be empathic not sympathetic!

  1. Please yourself because ‘You Cannot Please Everyone’

I think it is very important for women to inculcate self love. Pamper yourself with a your favourite food and drink, massage, after you win a project, go for a lovely ride with your family at the end of the day, take breaks and go for sole vacation- do things that please you. Become an expert on what your personal boundaries and values are, exercise them, you cannot be everything to everyone

  1. Having a heart of a mother always works.

Have that mother-like instinct and warmth for your staff. Cherish your work projects like your babies and nurture them for a better tomorrow. A mother is always a winner. All too often women are working from a male perspective, work from a mother perspective, She’prenuers are mothers even when we have not had children.

  1. Failure is inevitable.

No matter how good you are, someday or somewhere, you will fail and it is completely OKAY. Embrace failure with beauty and grace. Think positive paradox to learn from what was not the perfect outcome. Failure is not negative, it is simply life is construction!

  1. Your ‘Companionship’ Matters

Surround yourself amidst the doers from their personal ideas- likeminded individuals who have the power to win for themselves and have carved their own path. Your companionship matters because it will influence your success in the most constructive way. This is personally the best lesson I have learned from 37 years of successful business, and 39 years of marriage.

I have a quick list of 10 commandments that every woman should pledge in order to taste professional success. Start believing it NOW:

My authenticity is my greatest asset

I will replace the Gender Baggage with vibrant equality

I have professional smartness

I embrace my fears

I keep my faith and love aligned

I revere my ideas… because they will shape my reality

I empower the women and men working and playing with me

I take time for my mind, emotions, body and spirit for my relaxed state

I focus on my new professional goals

I am a family person.

Do you know by the end of 2018, women entrepreneurs will be responsible for creating about 72 million new small business jobs? According to a popular survey report, women control about $39.6 trillion of world’s wealth. The hands that rocks the cradles rule the world. She’preneur minds can do anything when they are focussed .

What is the best life lesson that you have ever heard from someone in your life? Will you share it with us through your awesome comment in the blog post? I’ll be waiting for your words!!!

Love and Hugs


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0 thoughts on “10 Life Lessons that Every Women Entrepreneur Wants to Share With You”

  1. Di, what an insightful list! Of course, I’m all about #2, but #8 is absolutely brilliant! I think it was my key to success in a business I owned for 18 years.

    1. Hello Jean

      Thankyou for commenting I appreciate you and you well and truly know if you
      have operated your own business for 18 years

      It took me a long time to play in my business like I played with my children

      Now I love that energy of the mother in business

      Thankyou Jean


    1. Hello Keith,

      When Im on the ground in my event business.

      Women are still considered second class often, until that women steps into her own thinking and
      self respect and love from her feminity.

      Then there is respect for each other.

      It is happening with values and routines for the world to be respectful, it is taking one situation at a time

      Always appreciate your comment Keith


  2. I Love this Blog post !!~ this is great and will use this >>>
    My authenticity is my greatest asset

    I will replace the Gender Baggage with vibrant equality

    I have professional smartness

    I embrace my fears

    I keep my faith and love aligned

    I revere my ideas… because they will shape my reality

    I empower the women and men working and playing with me

    I take time for my mind, emotions, body and spirit for my relaxed state

    I focus on my new professional goals

    I am a family person.
    Amen to this !!~ Much Appreciate

    1. Thankyou Sandra,

      Yes please use this and write them out and put them in your wallet to see them everyday

      Write them on your mirror.

      So powerful for our minds to see words like these put together.

      Thankyou Sandra


    1. Dear Lori,

      Always love your positive comments and your ability to stand up and write your comments.

      Social media is new, comments like yours need to be seen for people to know that its time to be heard.

      It is time to embrace our fears and strengths

      Thankyou Lori and yes please connect with me when you are ready.


  3. Hi Di!
    These lessons are great. You shared an amazing post. Women can also do the same things as men. Failure is inevitable you are we learn from failures. Failures give a way to move forward with confidence and tell them to avoid past mistakes.

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10 Life Lessons that Every Women Entrepreneur Wants to Share With You - Di Downie - The Ideas Diva.Shaping your ideas into reality